Click on a link below to see the gedcom information. |
Abraham Walker by Carley Charles: There are 639 individuals and 220 families representing 192 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Clarke(12), Walker(139), Clubine(26), Onstine(17), Elliott(28), Richardson(13), Burlingame(23), Graves(10), Lloyd(19), Sutherland(14). |
Alexander L. WALKER by Rich Hughes: There are 20 individuals and 6 families representing 7 surnames in this database. |
Alexander WALKER, Capt by Nancy Jankowski: There are 116 individuals and 44 families representing 40 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Allin(14), Morris(2), Bilbo(6), Phillips(2), Smith(2), Burney(2), Stokes(2), Walker(54), Edwards(1), Grant(1) |
Asa H. WALKER by Catherine Mitchell Rochelle: There are 3049 individuals and 1134 families representing 777 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Horn(77), Davis(69), Frey(71), Mitchell(105), Ward(56), Frye(89), Carson(77), Hallmark(144), Fry(108), Tutt(140) |
Benjamine WALKER by Angela DiBlasi: There are 1048 individuals and 305 families representing 226 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : McKee(31), DiBlasi(16), Dowdy(11), Carter(10), Collins(14), Creacy(36), Walker(40), Creasy(385), Turner(78), Dyer(14) |
Calvin Walker by Sue Owens: There are 457 individuals and 149 families representing 132 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Horn(7), Jacobs(14), Stewart(8), Knight(11), Medley(8), Recknor(6), Thompson(10), Trimble(14), Unknown(9), Walker(143) |
Charles Walker by Dennis Brumm: There are 1933 individuals and 674 families representing 526 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Hardin(33), Blint(31), Walker(200), Smith(28), Miller(28), Osborne(27), Roberts(29), Lee(31), Thornburg(31), Edgar(27). |
Dean Buck WALKER by Paula & Kin Winter: There are 63 individuals and 45 families representing 16 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Walker(27), Williams(3), Winterberger(3), Woolridge(4), Kessler(1), Mosher(1), Shakes(1), Smith(9), Sterling(1), UNKNOWN(6) |
Dixon "Manse" WALKER by Carol Mattison: There are 169 individuals and 64 families representing 60 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Malone(4), Allison(4), Mattison(6), Rosser(4), Walker(23), Barrow(25),, Williams(17), Iverson(4), Locker(3) |
Elverton P. WALKER by Joyce Cooper: There are 183 individuals and 79 families representing 53 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Legg(17), McMillion(4), Edens(20), Morris(4), Morton(3), Sizemore(11), Boggs(4), Flint(3), Walker(64), Hughart(2) |
Flournoy WALKER by Chuck Willis: There are 116 individuals and 43 families representing 41 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : M.Walker(2), Stewart(23), Walker(48), Breitung(1), Brewer(1), Brighton(1), Crippen(1), Deason(1), Doss(1), E.(2) |
George Walker by Dennis Brumm: There are 1484 individuals and 480 families representing 348 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Huffman(19), Scott(18), Albright(18), Plunkett(17), Gabeline(26), Riepe(23), Hollingsworth(23), Walker(462), Venghaus(16), Botts(25). |
Gideon Samuel WALKER by Robert G. Walker: There are 173 individuals and 63 families representing 55 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Grier(26), Griffith(6), Little(34), Harris(8), Lotspeich(3), Raymond(10), Jr.(3), Walker(17), Kirkpatrick(7), Knott(5) |
Issac WALKER by Sandra Olney: There are 205 individuals and 31 families representing 12 surnames in this database. |
James WALKER by Jimmy J. Walker: There are 72 individuals and 26 families representing 26 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : WAIT(3), KING(2), BELLINGER(2), MARTIN(2), PALMER(2), PATNODE(3), CHILDWORTH(2), DAVIS(4), FULLER(2), PEELING(3) |
James WALKER by Rich Hughes: There are 61 individuals and 16 families representing 16 surnames in this database. |
James A. WALKER by James (Jim) A. WALKER: There are 29 individuals and 5 families representing 6 surnames in this database. Bird(1), Hildreth(1), Love(1), Mayhall(1), McKinney(1), Walker(24) . |
James E. WALKER by Jim Walker: There are 129 individuals and 27 families representing 1 surnames in this database. |
James W. WALKER by Lynn Dawson: There are 566 individuals and 197 families representing 173 surnames in this database. |
Jarret WALKER by Warren D. Young: There are 185 individuals and 57 families representing 53 surnames in this database. |
John WALKER by Mike Walker: There are 183 individuals and 59 families representing 53 surnames in this database. |
John WALKER by George F. Walker: There are 179 individuals and 62 families representing 58 surnames in this database. |
John WALKER by Paul S. Walker: There are 10847 individuals and 4079 families representing 1547 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : McGehee(172), Westbrook(130), Smith(319), Thornton(150), Whittington(126), Nettles(518), May(314), Parker(144), Freeman(122), Young(164) |
John WALKER, Sr. by George Ingram: There are 2719 individuals and 913 families representing 629 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Bridges(54), Davis(39), Morton(34), Rice(52), Maples(28), Johnson(31), Holt(34), Ledbetter(52), Walker(395), Smith(74) |
John W. "Squirrel Man" WALKER by Bob Walker: There are 241 individuals and 118 families representing 92 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : ADAMS(12), COMBS(10), WALKER(78), DAVIDSON(4), DENNIS(4), MARTIN(9), MESSER(3), MILLER(11), NAPIER(3), RICHARDSON(11) |
John W. WALKER by Sally Mohle. There are 5 individuals in this database. The most common surnames in this database are Walker (4) and Jeffery (1) |
Joseph WALKER by Jerry Dailey: There are 77 individuals and 20 families representing 22 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : ROGERS(6), COX(4), DAILEY(5), VAN DUZER(3), DOW(7), GARETY(5), HERRICK(3), JOHNSTON(2), KINNY(3), WALKER(26) |
Joseph H WALKER by Jess Headley: There are 214 individuals and 81 families representing 55 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Pippin(6), Johnson(7), Gibson(7), Walker(65), Bassham(17), Headley(8), Brownfield(6), Lasiter(6), John(6), Clement(4) |
Memucan WALKER by Cathy Brubaker: There are 167 individuals and 66 families representing 60 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Fox(2), Lewis(2), unknown(4), Walker(102), Bennett(1), Boggs(2), Bookhart(1), Bowen(1), Brock(1), Brown(1) |
Nelson WALKER by James Kendall James: There are 118 individuals and 35 families representing 33 surnames in this database. |
Noah WALKER Dorothy Trammell: There are 349 individuals and 118 families representing 130 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Huddleston(12), Aldridge(24), Suggs(12), Hardy(9), Trammell(16), Logan(24), Walker(31), Williams(12), Bryant(9), McDonald(9) |
Robert WALKER by Darlene Hinson: There are 89 individuals and 35 families representing 31 surnames in this database. |
Robert WALKER by William Walker: There are 121 individuals and 45 families representing 43 surnames in this database. |
Robert WALKER by S. Hodgdon: There are 72 individuals and 26 families representing 26 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Bray(3), Jonsson(2), Little(7), Ogilvie(5), Sullivan(8), Walker(9), Forster(17), Gudauner(1), Harris(1), Hodgdon(3) |
Robert Harris Walker by Robert D. Walker: There are 76 individuals and 29 families representing 26 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : WALKER(35), WHITE(2), WINN(3), COOLEY(1), CURTIS(14), DANSIE(1), ESKELSON(1), FLUEITT(1), FRANKS(1), GODFREY(1) |
Robert Jennings WALKER by Wilma Vaughn: There are 38 individuals and 16 families representing 16 surnames in this database. |
Simeon E. WALKER by Barbara Muir: There are 18 individuals and 5 families representing 6 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Brammer(1), Hunton(1), Keaton(4), Marlow(1), Muir(4) |
Stephen WALKER by Jim Tice: There are 452 individuals and 154 families representing 129 surnames in this database. |
Thomas WALKER by Stacy Oliver: There are 84 individuals and 17 families representing 18 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Walker(67), Brewer(1), Clark(1), Cole(1), Donnell(1), McHerd(1), McKinney(1), Miller(1), Oliver(1), Stanhope(1) |
Thomas WALKER by Marling McReynolds: There are 30 individuals and 13 families representing 14 surnames in this database. |
Thomas WALKER, Sr. by Harold Solomon: There are 432 individuals and 175 families representing 146 surnames in this database. |
Thomas WALKER, Sr. by Sue Owens: There are 1753 individuals and 625 families representing 440 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Lee(17), Smith(95), Barron(17), Thomason(30), Walker(386), Ferguson(20), Lindsey(32), Bell(69), Littlefield(18), Unknown(32). |
Virginia H.Walker by Paul W. West: There are 24 individuals and 7 families representing 7 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : DiMaggio(1), FOSGATE(1), FRAIOLI(1), Guerin(1), Moore(4), Walker(3) |
Walter WALKER by Sidney K. Wells: There are 641 individuals and 196 families representing 149 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Oliver(17), OWEN(44), Taylor(42), Smith(12), Walker(86), Wells(13), Cain(25), Cooper(11), Jones(36), Blackwell(15) |
William Walker by Pollee Walker Kreaps: There are 10024 individuals and 3372 families representing 1867 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Starcher(221), Cooper(192), Loos(155), Unknown(151), Wolfe(212), Unknown(351), Shilts(139), Walker(167), Shiltz(236), Waggoner(136). |
William WALKER by Cheryl Guerin: There are 309 individuals and 106 families representing 97 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Sparks(7), Jones(7), Oliver(7), Gontier(8), Seney(14), Walker(65), Guerin(8), Osborne(8), Watkin(8), Shuttleworth(12) |
William Avery WALKER: Walker Dna study, Grp #8 |
William A. J. WALKER: There are 54 individuals and 18 families representing 15 surnames in this database. |
William C. WALKER by Keith Tamplin: There are 104 individuals and 29 families representing 27 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Grable(3), Thompson(4), Walker(42), Masters(6), Bristow(6), Menge(2), Dansby(3), Dick(6), Dunklin(8), Slaughter(4) |
William G. Walker by Warren N. Walker: There are 514 individuals and 173 families representing 157 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Drake(9), Parsons(10), Walker(130), Franks(8), Grant(7), Wilkins(7), Moore(10), Custar(31), Davis(39), Hill(8) |
William J. WALKER by Lambert & Marcella Blakely: There are 26 individuals and 13 families representing 11 surnames in this database. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Green(3), Jackson(2), Jordan(1), Phillips(1), Quinn(1), Robinson(1), Smith(1), Thomas(1), Tolbert(1), Walker(13) |
William Neal WALKER Emery Francis: There are 215 individuals and 76 families representing 69 surnames in this database. |
William Y. WALKER by Mark D. Walker: There are 185 individuals and 67 families representing 64 surnames in this database. |