Welcome to the WALKER Genealogy Web Site
This web site is dedicated to SUE OWENS and all of the WALKER researchers who have generously contributed the information found on this site. Their dedication and hard work had previously made this information available to everyone seeking their WALKER ancestors. Sue and others like her spent many hours on the WALKER web pages so that each of you could have free access to WALKER ancestral facts uncovered by their hard work. Please treat the information with respect and courtesy of copyright established by the contributors as their work deserves.
The internet is growing so fast that it is almost impossible to keep up with the links to all of the available resources. There are many genealogy sources available, both commercial and free. The largest repository for free records via the internet has to be the USGenWeb Archives and FamilySearch.org. There are many volunteers who spend a large amount of their free time assuring that the free records are organized and easy to access.
This web site is not associated with the USGenWeb Archives. You can help to increase the WALKER collection available to others by submitting your WALKER information. Text (.txt) files are easiest for us to handle. If you have your data in another format, please ask before submitting.