Walker-Andrew-born June 21, 1784, Ireland-died January 6, 1852, Perry County, AL

Wife-Nancy James-born February 24, 1784, SC


Rebecca James-born March 19, 1820-died June 10, 1821

Wesley Clark-born April 24, 1822-died January 18, 1900

Jane Moseley-born June 15, 1824-died June 15, 1824

Celia Brown-born June 15, 1824-died 1901

Francis (Rev)-born August 2, 1826-died May 26, 1878

William-born April 11, 1828

Andrew-April 18, 1831-died December 20, 1865

Robert Dickens-February 23, 1834-died November 21, 1834


Copied from the Family Bible kept by Celia Brown Walker Southall, passed down to her granddaughter, Miss Eddie Southall of Greenville, Texas. Copied by Margaret Walker White, great-granddaughter of Wesley Clark Walker in 1975.


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