Michigan WALKER Burials

(Baby) no date no date IONIA - PORTLAND (Grand River)
(Father) no date no date IONIA - OAKHILL (Easton)
(Infant) no date 07-19-1882 IONIA - SARANAC (Boston)
(Mother) no date no date IONIA - OAKHILL (Easton)
Abbey, Jason 1889 1957 MONTCALM - Forest Hill (Stanton)
Abbey, Mary Iva (Walker) 1890 1956 MONTCALM - Forest Hill (Stanton)
Abby J. (age 6m 3d - d. of J.W. & C.E.) no date June 23 1867 KENT - YERKES (Vergennes)
Albert (25 yr 4 mo 17 da) no date 07-11-1892 IONIA - OLD BELDING (Belding)
Alice 1880 1882 MONTCALM - Forest Home (Greenville)
Alice (w. of D. B.) 1850 1899 KENT - GREENWOOD (Sparta)
Alice Mae 1919 1987 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Alvin Stuart (married 6 Nov 1937) 1910 1985 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Archibald (Co. L. 1st Mich. E. & M) no date KENT - SOLDIERS' HOME (Grand Rapids)
Arnold J. (age 6 mos.) no date no date MONTCALM - McBRIDE (Day)
Arthur V. 1890 1968 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Aubrey 1855 1916 KENT - GREENWOOD (Sparta)
Baby no date no date NEWAYGO - DAYTON
Beatrice no date no date KENT - WOODLAWN (Grand Rapids)
Beatrice A. 1893 no date MONTCALM - VINEWOOD (Edmore)
Bert A. 1880 1959 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Bertha no date 1963 KENT - OAK GROVE (Grand Rapids)
Bertha L. (w-o Arthur) 1893 1974 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Bessie (55 yrs.) 1888 9/5/1944 IONIA - LAKEVIEW (Lake Odessa)
Bessie (Knott) 1875 1944 KENT - OAK HILL (Grand Rapids)
Boyer, Ellen "Nell" (Walker) 1863 1943 MONTCALM - McBride Cemetery
Boyer, Franklin Pierce 1853 1938 MONTCALM - McBride Cemetery
C. Bert 1942 no date IONIA - BALCOM (Berlin)
Caroline E. 1858 1910 KENT - LIVINGSTON (Plainfield)
Caroline L. (w. of) 1854 1903 KENT - ELMWOOD (Solon)
Carrie Lee (wife) June 7 1872 Oct. 3 1918 KENT - FULTON (Grand Rapids)
Catherine (Toner) 1868 1923 MONTCALM - McBRIDE (Day)
Charles 1/29/1915 no date IONIA - HIGHLAND Park (Ionia)
Charles 1865 1951 NEWAYGO - DAYTON
Charles E. no date no date KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Charles H. 1857 1923 MONTCALM - RICHLAND
Charles R. (father of James E.) 1854 1939 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Chester R. no date 1931 KENT - FAIRPLAINS (Sparta)
Children (Our Infant Children of A. W. and S.) Unknown no date no date NEWAYGO - BULL
Clara no date 1931 KENT - OAK GROVE (Grand Rapids)
Clara 1885 1942 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Clara M. no date 1967 KENT - GREENWOOD (Walker)
Clarence O. 1905 9/11/1934 KENT - OAKWOOD (Lowell)
Clarendene S. no date 1920 KENT - OAK GROVE (Grand Rapids)
Claribel 1908 1918 MECOSTA - Parkhill Cemetery (Paris)
Clarrissa A. no date 1923 KENT - GREENWOOD (Walker)
Claudess (Bradley) no date no date IONIA - LYONS
Clayton A. 1905 1973 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Cleon (Married 1949 WWII) 1918 1979 NEWAYGO - MOUNT CALVARY
Clifford 1895 1919 KENT - GRANDVILLE
Clifford H. 1872 1951 KENT - OAK HILL (Grand Rapids)
Clyde (Mich. F2 - U.S.N.R.F - W.W.I.) 6 Dec 1890 30-May-58 MECOSTA - Wamboldt Cemetery (Remus)
Cora no date 1882 KENT - GREENWOOD (Walker)
Cora -47 1860 IONIA - SARANAC (Boston)
Craig (father) 1885 1928 MONTCALM - Forest Home (Greenville)
Cynthia E. (w. of J.W.) 1835 1914 KENT - YERKES (Vergennes)
David (Father) 1851 1925 KENT - ELMWOOD (Solon)
David R. 1847 19?? KENT - FAIRPLAINS (Grand Rapids)
Debbie Joy 1963 1984 KENT - FAIRPLAINS (Sparta)
Delilah 1858 1938 BRANCH - EVERGREEN (City of Girard)
Dilla 1859 1922 KENT - OAK HILL (Grand Rapids)
Donald R. 1924 1993 KENT - GREENWOOD (Sparta)
Dora A. 19 Apr 1892 29-Jan-85 MONTCALM - St. Charles Catholic (Greenville)
Doris M. 1904 1971 MONTCALM - Forest Home (Greenville)
Dorothy L. (Inscription: Who was raised by her beloved sisters Zella and Mirian Fickes) 1894 1992 IONIA - SARANAC (Boston)
Ed no date 5/8/1931 IONIA - ST. PETER & PAUL (Ionia)
Edward C. (Father: Ralph Mother: ? Yerkes) 3-5-1868 9/1/1934 KENT - OAKWOOD (Lowell)
Edward Ray (PFC US Marine Corp Vietnam) 1938 1993 BRANCH - EVERGREEN (City of Girard)
Elfie 23 Jul 1884 14-Aug-13 MONTCALM - VINEWOOD (Edmore)
Eliab 1797 1891 KENT - YERKES (Vergennes)
Eliza 1869 1934 IONIA - GREENS
Eliza M. (52y Wife of Geo.) 03-10-1888 no date IONIA - WEST HUBBARDSTON
Elizabeth 1837 1918 KENT - OAK HILL (Grand Rapids)
Ella Leotta (A Granddaughter 59 yr) no date 11/10/1973 IONIA - PALO/VANVLECK (Palo)
Emerson R. 1915 1961 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Emily (2 years 3 monts 5 days) July 21 1870 no date NEWAYGO - BULL
Emma Matilda no date 1945 KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Ernestine 1882 1960 MONTCALM - Forest Home (Greenville)
Esther no date 8/12/1983 KENT - WOODLAWN (Grand Rapids)
Etta W.(Etta Towne Walker - d. Stanton - bur 19 Feb) 1870 1942 MONTCALM - ENTRICAN
Ettie A. no date no date IONIA - OAKHILL (Easton)
Eunice 1860 1938 MECOSTA - Wamboldt Cemetery (Remus)
Evelyn 1885 1948 KENT - PINEWOOD (Tyrone)
Faith Elizabeth (Scott - 50 Grand Rapids) -1978 no date IONIA - ST. JOHN the BAPTIST (Hubbardston)
Faye 1894 1983 IONIA - EAST & WEST SEBEWA
Florone M. (2 yrs) no date 04-26-1891 IONIA - LAKEVIEW (Lake Odessa)
Floyd E. (Son of S. J. & Ora) 7/28/1901 9/16/1905 NEWAYGO - DAYTON
Francis J. no date no date IONIA - OAKHILL (Easton)
Francis M. (72 yrs) 1845 5/21/1918 IONIA - LAKEVIEW (Lake Odessa)
Frank 4/11/1988 no date NEWAYGO - MAPLE
Frank W. (79) no date 6/16/1955 IONIA - SARANAC (Boston)
Fred Eli (PFC ARMY WWII) 1901 1989 MONTCALM - EAST MONTCALM (Greenville)
Frederick A. 1873 1881 KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Frederick Charles 1867 3/25/1938 IONIA - HIGHLAND Park (Ionia)
G. George (50 Manchester Michigan) 9/23/1919 no date IONIA - ST. JOHN the BAPTIST (Hubbardston)
George (59 yrs) no date 11/6/1968 IONIA - BALCOM (Berlin)
George (67y) 11-13-1889 no date IONIA - WEST HUBBARDSTON
George (74 yrs. - Milo Brown Funeral Home) 2/12/1947 no date KENT - MAPLE GROVE (Grand Rapids)
George E. 1878 1965 NEWAYGO - DAYTON
George E. 1886 1957 BRANCH - EVERGREEN (City of Girard)
George E. 1855 1931 IONIA - SOUTH BOSTON
George Edwin no date 1950 KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Georgia (dau. of Aubrey and Lettie Walker) 1884 1987 KENT - GREENWOOD (Sparta)
Gerald 1943 1991 MECOSTA - Parkhill Cemetery (Paris)
Gladys Ruth (baby) no date 1891 KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Grace no date 1965 KENT - GREENWOOD (Walker)
Grace 12-25-1872 1/10/1962 NEWAYGO - VOLNEY
Grace April-11-1885 Oct. 07-1904 KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Grace E. no date no date IONIA - OAKHILL (Easton)
Gracie (11 mo 2 wk dau of Albert and ___) no date 12-28-1892 IONIA - OLD BELDING (Belding)
Green Louise 1878 1947 MECOSTA - Decker Cemetery (Blanchard-Millbrook Twp.)
H. Oscar (hus.) Oct. 19 1873 June 21 1905 KENT - FULTON (Grand Rapids)
H.R.[24th Mich. Inf. - no Co. Given] no date no date KENT - SOLDIERS' HOME (Grand Rapids)
Hannah (see Lewis)(Hannah Walker) no date no date KENT - ALTON (Vergennes)
Hannah R. (see Spangenburg - w. of Jacob) Nov. 5 1831 Jan 7 1905. KENT - GREENWOOD (Sparta)
Harney no date 10/2/1948 IONIA - PORTLAND (Grand River)
Harry 10/2/2009 no date NEWAYGO - MAPLE
Harvey no date 1996 KENT - LIVINGSTON (Plainfield)
Hassie E. (w-o CH) 1867 1925 MONTCALM - RICHLAND
Hattie M. (Father: Hugh Dodds Mother: Margaret McDonald) 10-05-1871 6/3/1954 KENT - OAKWOOD (Lowell)
Hazel G. 1884 1971 KENT - OAK HILL (Grand Rapids)
Henrietta (Sibbald)("mother" stone on lot with Henry Frederick and "Father" stone.) 1841 New York NY 1898 KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Henrietta 1887 1971 MECOSTA - Parkhill Cemetery (Paris)
Henry 1867 1889 KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Henry (age 1y 11m - s. of E. and R.) no date Jan.16 KENT - OAK HILL (Grand Rapids)
Henry A. (s. of and C. - age 2y. 11m. 6d.) no date KENT - ELMWOOD (Solon)
Herman (Co. H. 7th Mich. Cav.) no date no date KENT - SOLDIERS' HOME (Grand Rapids)
Huffman, Lorilda (Smith / Walker) (wife of Melvin Huffman) 25 Dec 1834 25-Sep-04 MONTCALM - McBride Cemetery
Huffman, Melvin 1857 1924 MONTCALM - Forest Home (Greenville)
Huffman, Theresa (Miller / Walker) (wife of Melvin Huffman) (mother) 1858 1940 MONTCALM - Forest Home (Greenville)
Hugh J. 1886 1950 MONTCALM - VINEWOOD (Edmore)
Hugh W. (bur 5 Feb) 1875 1933 MONTCALM - FERRIS CENTER
Ida (5 days) (Father: Ralph Mother: Celestia Walker) 6-13-1869 - Boston Twp. no date IONIA - SOUTH BOSTON
Ida M. no date 1/3/1953 IONIA - PORTLAND (Grand River)
Ingles Elgin C. 1877 1970 MONTCALM - CORAL (Maple Valley)
Ingles Ionia J. 1912 1948 MONTCALM - CORAL (Maple Valley)
Ingles Lydia L. 1881 1918 MONTCALM - CORAL (Maple Valley)
J.M. (footstone: father) 1823 1903 BRANCH - EVERGREEN (City of Girard)
J.S.W. no date no date BRANCH - EVERGREEN (City of Girard)
Jack 10/1/1990 no date NEWAYGO - MAPLE
Jack Dewayne (baby) 10/31/1949 no date NEWAYGO - MAPLE
Jacob no date 05-14-1884 IONIA - ST. PETER & PAUL (Ionia)
Jacob 1828 1907 KENT - YERKES (Vergennes)
Jacob A. (father) (Michigan Cpl. Co. B 111 Infantry WWI) 1893 1969 KENT - WASHINGTON (Grand Rapids)
James 1941 no date IONIA - BALCOM (Berlin)
James 18 May 1826 8-Jan-02 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
James K. (Father) 1907 1976 NEWAYGO - DAYTON
James R. (72) 1/10/1929 no date IONIA - SARANAC (Boston)
Jane 1862 11/19/1953 IONIA - HIGHLAND Park (Ionia)
Jane (w-o JB) 21 Jan 1826 5 Feb 1897 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Jas (Co E 10 Mich Inf) no date no date MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Jeremiah 05-08-1821 02-22-1895 IONIA - GREENS
Jerome M. (56) (Soldier-1861 - On two markers Jerome and J.M.) 1833 5-14-1889 IONIA - SARANAC (Boston)
Jessie (mother) 1835 1930 KENT - WASHINGTON (Grand Rapids)
Jesse E. (Spanish American War) 3-16-1871 2/18/1936 NEWAYGO - VOLNEY
John 1867 1928 MONTCALM - McBRIDE (Day)
John (58 yrs.) no date 11/27/1964 IONIA - BALCOM (Berlin)
John H. (John7 Thomas8 William9) 1847 Grimsby Ont. 1883 KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
John M. 1856 1933 MECOSTA - Wamboldt Cemetery (Remus)
John T. no date 12/10/1934 KENT - WOODLAWN (Grand Rapids)
John W. 1854 1902 KENT - FAIRPLAINS (Grand Rapids)
John W. 1884 1967 MECOSTA - Parkhill Cemetery (Paris)
John W. (Aged 81) 1871 Jul-52 MECOSTA - Altona Cemetery (Lakeview- Hinton Twp.)
John W. (Civil War) 1835 1918 MECOSTA - Parkhill Cemetery (Paris)
Joseph 1852 Apr. 29 1904 NEWAYGO - OLD COUNTY
Joseph Christy (DAR marker on gravesite) no date no date IONIA - LYONS
Joseph E. no date 9/4/1986 KENT - WOODLAWN (Grand Rapids)
Joseph H. 1830 1910 KENT - OAK HILL (Grand Rapids)
Joseph W. 1862 1952 MONTCALM - RICHLAND
Josephine (w-o Robert) 1892 1972 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Josephine 1903 1983 MECOSTA - Wamboldt Cemetery (Remus)
Judy no date 1941 KENT - FAIRPLAINS (Sparta)
Julia (Wife of Rev. J. 48y.) 9-21-1875 no date NEWAYGO - DAYTON
Karen S. no date no date BRANCH - EVERGREEN (City of Girard)
Kathy 1957 1957 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Katie (Harrie) no date 1880 KENT - GREENWOOD (Walker)
Katie S. (dau. of T. M. and Clara - 6 days) no date Sept. 7 1880 KENT - GREENWOOD (Sparta)
Katy 1860 1881 KENT - GREENWOOD (Sparta)
Knott Heber A. 1860 1923 KENT - OAK HILL (Grand Rapids)
Larry Elwin (baby) 4/26/1952 no date NEWAYGO - MAPLE
Laura L. May 18 1910 Dec. 20 1913 KENT - GARFIELD (paris)
Lavona (Ruperd Reed) 1891 1934 MONTCALM - McBRIDE (Day)
Lawrence C. 1905 1990 BRANCH - EVERGREEN (City of Girard)
Lawrence H. (US Marine Corp Vietnam) May-45 Oct. 2000 BRANCH - EVERGREEN (City of Girard)
Lee W. (Veteran-KIA SW Pacific Co. L 198th INF Lieut) 1924 1944 KENT - COURTLAND (Rockford)
Leland "Lee" (Father: Leland Mother: Minerva Neland) 12-20-1867 8/15/1941 KENT - OAKWOOD (Lowell)
Lena (16) 5/21/1909 no date IONIA - SOUTH BOSTON
Lena (Dau. of Geo. & May Walker) 1892 1902 IONIA - SOUTH BOSTON
Leslie J. 1899 1958 MECOSTA - Decker Cemetery (Blanchard-Millbrook Twp.)
Lettie (Husband: Aubrey Walker) 1858 1946 KENT - GREENWOOD (Sparta)
Lewis C. (50) 1858 3/3/1908 IONIA - SARANAC (Boston)
Lewis E. 1876 1960 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Lloyd S. 1930 no date KENT - MYERS (Sparta)
Loranca S. (Mother - on lot with Joseph H.) 1843 1922 KENT - OAK HILL (Grand Rapids)
Lottie 1884 1980 NEWAYGO - DAYTON
Lounettie (Stevens)(on lot with Myron H. and Richard E.) 1865 1920 KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Lucille Francis 1909 12/8/1967 KENT - OAKWOOD (Lowell)
Lucy A. (77) 1835 8/12/1912 IONIA - SARANAC (Boston)
Lucy E. (Father: Abner Johnson Mother: Mary Bishop) 4-20-1863 6/6/1951 KENT - OAKWOOD (Lowell)
Lucy L. 1876 1911 KENT - FAIRPLAINS (Grand Rapids)
Lula May (Granddaughter) no date 8-18-1883 IONIA - PALO/VANVLECK (Palo)
Lydia J. (s.s. Robert L. Walker) 1921 1992 KENT - ROCKFORD (Plainfield)
M. Emma 1863 1914 NEWAYGO - DAYTON
Madelin T. 1904 1911 MONTCALM - CORAL (Maple Valley)
Malcolm A. (PVT Army bur 6 Oct) 1902 1977 MONTCALM - FERRIS CENTER
Malcom C. (Cameron) (father) 1851 1902 MONTCALM - Forest Home (Greenville)
Marady (wife of Samuel) 1832 no date IONIA - RIVER RIDGE (Belding)
Margery (see Slayton) no date no date KENT - FULTON (Grand Rapids)
Maria (Payne)(wife of W.H.H.) Oct. 06 1848 Oct. 05 1900. KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Marion C. 1897 1920 KENT - FAIRPLAINS (Grand Rapids)
Martha C. (bur 31 Mar) 1844 1920 MONTCALM - FERRIS CENTER
Martha M. 1836 1915 IONIA - EAST HUBBARDSTON
Martha M. (w-o HW bur 2 Apr) 1877 1964 MONTCALM - FERRIS CENTER
Martie E. 1872 1890 IONIA - OLD BELDING (Belding)
Mary no date 1940 IONIA - PORTLAND (Grand River)
Mary 2/2/1929 no date IONIA - SARANAC (Boston)
Mary Mar. 10 1928 o.d. KENT - SOLDIERS' HOME (Grand Rapids)
Mary 1795 1863 KENT - YERKES (Vergennes)
Mary 1853 1935 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Mary (74 yrs) no date 7/20/1959 IONIA - ST. PETER & PAUL (Ionia)
Mary 1855 1938 MECOSTA - Parkhill Cemetery (Paris)
Mary A. (65 yrs) no date 10-18-1889 IONIA - ST. PETER & PAUL (Ionia)
Mary H. (mother of James) 1853 1907 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Mary L. 1930 O.D. KENT - OAKWOOD (Lowell)
Mary Louise (Husband: Donald R. Walker - 76) 1923 1999 KENT - GREENWOOD (Sparta)
Mary M. 1844 1926 MECOSTA - Decker Cemetery (Blanchard-Millbrook Twp.)
May L. 1858 1942 IONIA - SOUTH BOSTON
McCluskey, Wilda Mae (Tompkins / Walker) (wife of Warren) 1925 2001 Mount Pleasant Isabella Co. MI KENT - Blythefield Memorial (Rockford)
Merritt 1839 1923 MECOSTA - Decker Cemetery (Blanchard-Millbrook Twp.)
Mildred Chase 1885 no date MONTCALM - Forest Home (Greenville)
Mildred L. 1907 1970 MONTCALM - EAST MONTCALM (Greenville)
Mitchell Laurene (Walker) 1924 1987 NEWAYGO - DAYTON
Murl F. 1892 9/9/1964 IONIA - EAST & WEST SEBEWA
Murl F. 1892 9/9/1964 IONIA - SMYRNA
Myron Hamilton 1855 1928 KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Myrtle 1952 no date IONIA - BALCOM (Berlin)
Nada P. 1910 9/10/1946 IONIA - RIVER RIDGE (Belding)
Nannie M. (Wife of S. V. 58y. 5m. 26d.) 3-8-184- 10-4-1899 NEWAYGO - DAYTON
Nellie 1878 1883 KENT - LIVINGSTON (Plainfield)
Nellie (78) 3/14/1959 no date IONIA - SARANAC (Boston)
Nellie (see Kniffin) no date no date KENT - FULTON (Grand Rapids)
Nettie (Williams / Towne) (wife of William Walker) 1870 Canada 1941 MONTCALM - Entrican (Entrican)
Nora Mae 1925 no date NEWAYGO - MOUNT CALVARY
Nora May (w-o Alvin) 1907 1993 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Olive M. (by Munshaw Hayes and Shear graves) 1866 1941 KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Orlando (81 yrs) no date 8/11/1904 IONIA - EAST & WEST SEBEWA
Orlando (81) 8/11/1904 no date IONIA - SMYRNA
Orlo A. 1904 1991 MONTCALM - VICKERYVILLE (Bushnell)
Othel J. 1898 1958 MECOSTA - Decker Cemetery (Blanchard-Millbrook Twp.)
Pearl E. (Mother) 1911 no date NEWAYGO - DAYTON
Perry 1848 1911 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Peter R. 1851 1915 KENT - LIVINGSTON (Plainfield)
Pietje (on stone with Wm also Nellie Kniffin) 1849 1900 KENT - FULTON (Grand Rapids)
Porter A. Jr. (22) 25-Feb-50 no date MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Ralph 1876 1882 MONTCALM - Forest Home (Greenville)
Ralph 22 Nov 1888 6-Dec-65 MONTCALM - St. Charles Catholic (Greenville)
Rebecca Estella (76 yrs) 1854 6/25/1931 IONIA - LAKEVIEW (Lake Odessa)
Rex W. 1917 Stanton MI Apr-73 KENT - Restlawn Memorial Park (Grand Rapids)
Reynolds, Viola E. (Harrington / Walker) April 29 1875 Stanton MI Feb 14 1941 CALHOUN - Battle Creek
Rhea M. no date no date BRANCH - EVERGREEN (City of Girard)
Richard Everett (339th Ambulance Co.) 1896 1924 KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Robert 1888 1975 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Robert E. 1942 1942 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Robert L. (Wife Lydia WWII US Army) 1923 1998 KENT - ROCKFORD (Plainfield)
Roberta J. (wife of Lloyd S. Walker) 1930 1997 KENT - MYERS (Sparta)
Rose A. (Watson) (mother) 1854 1940 MONTCALM - Forest Home (Greenville)
Roy no date 1958 KENT - LIVINGSTON (Plainfield)
Roy 3/21/1942 no date NEWAYGO - MAPLE
Sally M. (footstone: mother) 1830 1912 BRANCH - EVERGREEN (City of Girard)
Samuel A. (on the stone with them is Lovina Bolton 1896) 4-26-1826 1-24-1899 IONIA - RIVER RIDGE (Belding)
Sarah (on lot with David R.) 1850 1923 KENT - FAIRPLAINS (Grand Rapids)
Sarah (w. of George - age 39y 8m 5d) no date Sept. 1 1859 KENT - GRATTAN
Sarah Ada 1888 1961 KENT - COURTLAND (Rockford)
Sarah Ann (on lot with Jessie and James H. Atkins.) 1838 1899 KENT - OAK HILL (Grand Rapids)
Sarah H. 1882 1961 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Sarah Louise 1852 1900 MONTCALM - Forest Home (Greenville)
Solomon J. 2-3-1872 2/25/1905 NEWAYGO - DAYTON
Solomon V. 1912 1915 NEWAYGO - DAYTON
Solomon V. (Co. A 21st MI Inf.) 8-20-1837 11/4/1904 NEWAYGO - DAYTON
Sophia (76 yrs) no date 5-18-1889 IONIA - EAST & WEST SEBEWA
Spangenburg Jacob S. Apr. 17 1825-Dyberry Pa. Jan 7 1896 - Sparta Mich. KENT - GREENWOOD (Sparta)
Submit Feb. 26 1911 o.d. KENT - SOLDIERS' HOME (Grand Rapids)
Surian, Marguerite Elaine (Walker) Jan. 22 1919 Stanton MI Jan. 3 1987 SAGINAW - St. Andrew (Saginaw)
Susanna Aug. 26-1827 Feb. 03-1899 KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Sybil A. 1879 1952 MECOSTA - Wamboldt Cemetery (Remus)
Teresa Louise (baby) 7/16/1959 no date NEWAYGO - MAPLE
Theta A. 1915 1984 BRANCH - EVERGREEN (City of Girard)
Thomas no date 1881 KENT - GREENWOOD (Walker)
Thomas E. 1851 1923 BRANCH - EVERGREEN (City of Girard)
Thomas H. (Father - John7 Thomas8 William9) 1839 - Grimsby Ont. 1909 - Paris Twp. MI KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Thomas R. no date 1970 KENT - WOODLAWN (Grand Rapids)
Thomas W. 1943 1961 MONTCALM - CLEAR LAKE (Fenwick)
Thos. M. (age 38y. 7m.) no date May-11-1881 KENT - GREENWOOD (Sparta)
Tillie (d. of W.H.H. and M.) Jan. 07 1872 Mar. 13 1879. KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Tony (Stillborn - Joldersma Funeral Home) 9/14/1949 no date KENT - MAPLE GROVE (Grand Rapids)
Valdy E. 1927 O.D. KENT - OAKWOOD (Lowell)
Venna (Essex) (wife of William) 1898 1976 MONTCALM - Forest Home (Greenville)
Victor 1856 1914 KENT - GRANDVILLE
Viola 1905 1964 MONTCALM - Forest Home (Greenville)
Violet L. 1906 1993 MONTCALM - VICKERYVILLE (Bushnell)
W.H.H. Apr. 15-1842 Mar. 24-1929 KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
WALKER no date no date KENT - GREENWOOD (Sparta)
WALKER (s. of Wm.H. and M.) July 11 1875 July 24 1875. KENT - VALLEY CITY (Grand Rapids)
Walter (62 yrs) no date 3/1/1922 IONIA - ST. PETER & PAUL (Ionia)
Walter 1894 1920 MECOSTA - Wamboldt Cemetery (Remus)
Warren Alton 1887 1937 MONTCALM - McBRIDE (Day)
Warren Reed 1919 Stanton MI no date 1987 Cedar Springs Kent Co. MI KENT - Blythefield Memorial (Rockford)
Westley no date 1936 IONIA - PORTLAND (Grand River)
Wilford (64 yrs.) no date 9/13/1968 IONIA - BALCOM (Berlin)
William 1862 1925 IONIA - GREENS
William 1857 1932 MONTCALM - McBRIDE (Day)
William (83) 3/3/1912 no date IONIA - SOUTH BOSTON
William A. 1877 1963 MECOSTA - Wamboldt Cemetery (Remus)
William C. 1907 1971 MONTCALM - Forest Home (Greenville)
William E. no date 3-??-1945 IONIA - PORTLAND (Grand River)
William H. (father) 1834 1892 MONTCALM - Forest Home (Greenville)
William J. 1896 Feb.8 1949 MONTCALM - Forest Home (Greenville)
William M. (Father: Ralph Mother: Celestine Yerkes?) 10-06-1871 1/3/1910 KENT - OAKWOOD (Lowell)
William S. STAGE (age 51-8-7 buried in lot owned by Andrew Walker) 9 May 1880 no date MONTCALM - FERRIS CENTER
Wm. 1842 1911 KENT - FULTON (Grand Rapids)
Wm. 1867 1916 KENT - OAK HILL (Grand Rapids)
Wm. (Co. C 11th Mich. Inf.) no date no date KENT - ELMWOOD (Solon)
Winifred 1880 1961 NEWAYGO - DAYTON
Zack no date 12/11/1900 IONIA - RIVER RIDGE (Belding)
Zella Louise (70) 1885 4/9/1955 IONIA - SARANAC (Boston)
The Western Michigan cemetery data was compiled by W. R. WALKER, walkerrh@sbcglobal.net in April, 2004.

CLICK HERE for his complete text file which contains additional information that could not be displayed.


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