Houghton County WALKER Census Data

WALKER Census Data
1860 Census Portage, Houghton, Michigan
Charles 50 Male Servant CAN **Worked for Nelson Turner
1860 Census Houghton, Houghton, Michigan
George 14 Male NY **Lived with Michael Kirty
1860 Census Portage, Houghton, Michigan
George 31 Male ENG **Lived with David Spiner
1860 Census Houghton, Houghton, Michigan
Henry 28 Male IRE **Lived with Timothy Redman
1860 Census Eagle Harbor, Houghton, Michigan
John 28 Male Engineer DE
Martha 23 Female NY
Frank 2 Male MI
Simon 1 Male MI
1860 Census Houghton, Houghton, Michigan
Mathias 29 Male Blacksmith 1500 -- PRU **Lived with John Frick
1860 Census Houghton, Houghton, Michigan
Timothy 28 Male SAX **Lived with Daniel Miller
1860 Census Portage, Houghton, Michigan
William 34 Male BADEN GER **Lived with S. Hinerman
1870 Census Franklin, Houghton, Michigan
John 39 Male Engineer Builder -- 2400 DE **Lived with James Walls
1870 Census Baraga, Houghton, Michigan
Levi 33 Male Farmer 500 300 IL
Caroline A. 35 Female OH
The Michigan census information was submitted by W.R. Walker.
This information is provided for the free use of those engaged in non-commercial genealogical research. Any commercial use is strictly prohibited.

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