Monroe County WALKER Census Data

WALKER Census Data
1860 Census London, Monroe, Michigan
John 37 Male Farmer 500 300 GER
Reba 35 Female GER
Elizabeth 10 Female GER
Mary E. 2 Female MI
Emma 6/12 Female MI
1860 Census Dundee, Monroe, Michigan
Peter 19 Male Farm Laborer GER **Worked for James Holladay
1860 Census Frenchtown, Monroe, Michigan
Wm. 66 Male Farmer 4000 1000 ENG
Margaret 80 Female SCO
Wm. 24 Male MI
1870 Census London, Monroe, Michigan
John 47 Male Farmer 2000 700 BADEN-GER
Frederica 45 Female BADEN-GER
Louisa 12 Female MI
Emma 11 Female MI
Bertha 9 Female MI
Frederica 7 Female MI
John 6 Male MI
1870 Census Frenchtown, Monroe, Michigan
Mary 27 Female Keeping House 4500 500 IRE
William 7 Male MI
Mary 6 Female MI
Frank 4 Male MI
Anna 2 Female MI
William 73 Male Retired Farmer ENG
The Michigan census information was submitted by W.R. Walker.
This information is provided for the free use of those engaged in non-commercial genealogical research. Any commercial use is strictly prohibited.

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