William Walker and Robert Carson Deed

Washington County, TN - 1793

This indenture made this thirty-first day of August, Anno Domi one thousand and seven hundred and ninety three (1793) between Robert Carson of the county of Washington and south of the river, Ohio of the one part and William Walker of the county and territory aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that the said Robert Carson for and in consideration of the sum of sixty pounds to him in hand paid the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hat bargained and sold and by these "........" doth grant convey and confirm unto the said William Walker his heirs executors and assigns forever a certain tract of land situated in the county a foresaid on the Waters of Big Limestone Beginning at a white oak thence south fifty there isa fourth poles....to a chestnut tree south thirty two west one hundred and fourty six poles to a stake thence north fifty six....one hundred eighty poles to the beginning eighty four acres be the same more or less which tract of the land with the "...." The sd Caron his heirs and asigns and undefuseable in heritance in fee simple in witness whereof Robert Carson have here unto sat my hand and affixed my seal the and year first "...." Washington County, James McCord        1796          this deed was duly proven in open court   David McCord, Robert Carson, seal, John Sevier


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