Calvin WALKER Surnames - G
Gafford, George Arthur Ott GAFFORD (-) Gafford, Georgia Ann (--living--) Gilley, Ennis Rayburn (--living--) Gilley, Richard Earl (--living--) Goff, Lillian Irene (11 MAR 1912-28 OCT 1986) Gore, Larry Dwain (-) Gore, Lisa Ann (--living--) Gore, Nancy Elaine (--living--) Gorner, Irene (-) Granger, Garett Michael (--living--) Granger, Michael (--living--) Granger, Rylie Ann (--living--) Green, Anita (-) Green, Ben (-) Green, Ken (--living--) Green, Woody (-) This page, and all genealogical data contained on it are © 2004 Carolyn Sue Owens ( |
This information is provided for the free use of those engaged in non-commercial genealogical research. Any commercial use is strictly prohibited. |