Asa WALKER Surnames ?
(Carr?), Margaret R. (Apr 1861-AFT. Feb 1936) ?, (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) ?, (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) ?, (-) ?, (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) ?, (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) ?, (-) ?, (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) ?, (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) ?, (UNKNOWN-) ?, (-) ?, (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) ?, (-) ?, (-) ?, (UNKNOWN-) ?, (UNKNOWN-) ?, (-) ?, (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) ?, (UNKNOWN-) ?, (-) ?, (UNKNOWN-) ?, (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) ?, (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) ?, (UNKNOWN-) ?, (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) ?, (UNKNOWN-) ?, (UNKNOWN-) ?, (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) ?, (UNKNOWN-) ?, (UNKNOWN-) ?, Agnes (-) ?, Ann (UNKNOWN-) ?, Bee Bee (--living--) ?, Betty (-) ?, Bill (-) ?, Catherine (-) ?, Elizabeth (-) ?, Ivy Anne (--living--) ?, Jeffry Dustin (-) ?, Joyce (-) ?, Judy (-) ?, Kelsey (--living--) ?, Lottie (ABT. 1854-) ?, Margaret J. (1882-1971) ?, Mary B. (11 Oct 1908-25 Nov 1978) ?, Mary Molly (-) ?, Michael (--living--) ?, Minnie (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) ?, Myrtle (-) ?, Oralia (-) ?, Suzannah Dawn (--living--) ?, Virginia (UNKNOWN-) This page, and all genealogical data contained on it are © 2001 Catherine Mitchell Rochell ( |
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