Asa WALKER Surnames L

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La Feuer, Chad (-)
La Feuer, David (--living--)
La Feuer, Garrett (-)
La Feuer, Megan (-)
Lane, ? (-)
Lane, John (-)
Lane, William L. (ABT. 1838-)
Langerhuerst, Dale IV (-)
Langerhuerst, Dale III (-)
Langerhuerst, Rebecca (-)
Langerhuerst, Unknown (-)
Larson, Judy (-)
Lash, Anna (-)
Leinbach, Johann Fredrick (-)
Leinbach, Johannes (-)
Leinback, Frederic (-)
Lela, (-)
Leona, (-)
Leonard, Bonnie (-)
Leonard, Jemima (-)
Leonard, Luzzanah (1821-1907)
Levering, Anna Catherine (10 Mar 1675/76-ABT. 1754)
Levering, John Wigard (-)
Lewis, Philip L. (-)
Lewis, Thomas E. (ABT. 1859-1927)
Leyda, Lucy Jane (19 Mar 1880-)
Leyda, Robert George (9 Sep 1874-)
Lileah, (-)
Linda, (-)
Linda, (-)
Lindsey, Martha A. (-17 Jan 1852)
Linebaugh, Nancy Ann (-)
Linton, Edith (-)
Littler, Fanny (-)
Lloyd, Althenia (1813-)
Lockhart, Sarah (-)
Lollar, ? (-)
Lollar, John (ABT. 1850-1885-1886)
Lollar, Laura (Sep 1881-)
Lollar, Lula (1876-)
Lollar, Margaret (8 Mar 1874-6 Dec 1908)
Lollar, Roxie V. (20 May 1884-12 Aug 1965)
Lollar, Vimey (Feb 1886-)
Long, Caharles H. (Sep 1892-)
Long, Frank , Jr. (Sep 1872-)
Long, Martin (Jan 1896-)
Long, Myrtle (-)
Lopez, John (-)
Lopez, Mathew (--living--)
Lorene, (-)
Losiego, Mary Jo (-)
Love, Elizabeth (-)
Luama, Shirley (--living--)
Luke, Dean Kieth (--living--)
Luke, Sarah Lynn (7 Apr 1992-7 Apr 1992)
Lundy, Carolyn (-)
Lundy, Harold E. (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN)
Lundy, Lee Roy (-)
Lunsford, J. D. (1923-1992)
Lutes, (Possibly) Silas (-)
Lutes, Adam (-)
Lutes, Anna C. (-)
Lutes, Sarah (1820-1867)
Lutes, Sarah (-)
Lutes, Silas (-)
Lutes, William (-)
Lutze, Margaret (Jan 1803-2 Nov 1875)

This page, and all genealogical data contained on it are © 2001 Catherine Mitchell Rochell (


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