Thomas WALKER, Sr. Surnames A

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Abbott, A. C. Jack (-)
Abbott, Marjorie Lou (-)
Abbott, Sue Catherine (-)
Abney, Ira (-)
Adkins, Elmer Joe (-)
Adkins, Evelyn Ricky (-)
Adkins, Joe (-8 FEB 1982)
Adkins, Willard Leroy (-)
Adkins, Wilma Estelle (-)
Ahmed, Jared Tyler (--living--)
Ahmed, Justin Travis (--living--)
Ahmed, Sheikh Shabbir (--living--)
Alderson, Albert Galliton (4 FEB 1807-18 MAY 1872)
Alderson, Eveline (1810-)
Alderson, John IV (1814-)
Alderson, John III (-)
Alderson, Lovisa (1812-)
Alderson, Malinda (6 NOV 1805-31 AUG 1891)
Alderson, Mary (1813-)
Alexander, Mildred Evelyn Claitor (-)
Aley, Christine (ABT 1816-)
Aley, Mary Emeline (-)
Allen, James Avlet (20 JAN 1865-9 DEC 1927)
Allen, Jimmie Zane II (-)
Allen, Jimmie Zane I (--living--)
Allen, Marion J. (-)
Allen, Mason Zane (-)
Allen, Theresa LaNell (--living--)
Anderson, Francis (ABT 1792-)
Arnold, Edwin P. (15 AUG 1866-15 SEP 1910)
Arnold, George J. (MAY 1871-)
Arnold, Harry Lee (MAR 1880-1934)
Arnold, Henry Summerfield Dr. (17 APR 1837-10 JUL 1913)
Arnold, Jasper Henry (1869-)
Arnold, Joseph (1 SEP 1874-)
Arnold, Robert Marion (1876-)
Atherton, Charles D. (-)
Atkins, Samuel H. (ABT 1845-BEF 1865)
Auberry, William F. (-)
Austin, Charles Robert (19 MAR 1892-31 MAR 1937)
Austin, Emerson Cooper (-)
Austin, George Riley (17 DEC 1879-)
Austin, Henry Jerome (4 MAR 1876-11 NOV 1954)
Austin, James Jackson (15 OCT 1889-25 SEP 1936)
Austin, John Marvin (20 SEP 1897-16 JUL 1971)
Austin, Joseph Emerson (2 APR 1882-25 MAR 1936)
Austin, Lucinda Mae (10 SEP 1894-4 APR 1896)
Austin, Mary Louise (25 SEP 1877-25 SEP 1878)
Austin, Nancy Patience (ABT 1898-)
Austin, Sarah Elizabeth (14 MAR 1887-14 JAN 1938)
Austin, Teddy Jim (-)
Austin, Trixie Elizabeth (-)
Austin, William Thomas (17 SEP 1884-11 AUG 1950)
Ayers, Andrew Sanders (-)
Ayers, Clifford Michael (-)
Ayers, Layna Michelle (-)
Ayers, Leo Nathan (-)
Ayers, Loyd Darrell (-)
Ayers, Michael Norman (-)
Ayers, Nathan Norman (-)
Ayers, Quintella June (-)

This page, and all genealogical data contained on it are © 2004 Carolyn Sue Owens (


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