Thomas WALKER, Sr. Surnames J

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Jacobson, Phyliss A (15 OCT-)
Jameson, J. M. (-)
Jean, Opal (--living--)
Jernigan, A'Juan (12 JUL 1925-20 JAN 1988)
Jernigan, J. U. (-)
Jezierski, Robin (--living--)
Johnson, Betsy Elizabeth (-BEF 1809)
Johnson, Chase (-)
Johnson, Donie Estelle (31 AUG 1880-14 AUG 1966)
Johnson, Ed (-)
Johnson, Harriet (-)
Johnson, John Dalton , Jr. (20 MAY 1929-13 NOV 1984)
Johnson, Norma Elaine (--living--)
Johnson, Patricia Ann (--living--)
Johnson, Ronald Glenn (--living--)
Johnson, Travis Walter Kitching (--living--)
Johnson, Warren Kinzie (-)
Jones, Benjamin Clark (--living--)
Jones, Danny Fred (--living--)
Jones, Jackie (-)
Jones, Mary Kathryn (--living--)
Jones, Opal (1908-1986)
Jones, Rebekah Danielle (--living--)
Jones, Tina (-)
Junge, Unknown (-)
Jurca, John David (-)

This page, and all genealogical data contained on it are © 2004 Carolyn Sue Owens (


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