WALKER Surnames B
Bartlett, Henry (-) Bartlett, Matilda Amanda (-) Bartlett, Rebecca (ABT. 1824-12 AUG 1855) Battles, Opal Lend (-) Beckham, Lillie Mae Bell (6 NOV 1892-1966) Blankenship, Billie Blanche (-) Bonds, Darlene (-) Brewer, Elizabeth Tellie (10 MAY 1871-17 JAN 1908) Bryant, Beatrice (-) Bryant, Beatrice (-) Bryant, Deward (-) Bryant, Ellis (-) Bryant, Ellis (-) Bryant, Ruby Myrle (-ABT. 1985) Bryant, Sue (-) Bryant, Sue (-) Bryant, William (-) Burgess, William Marion (-) Burke, Eleanor (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) Byler, Chauncy Ryan (--living--) Byler, Krystin Lee (--living--) Byler, Micheal Ryan (-) This page, and all genealogical data contained on it are © 2001 Dorothy Trammell ( |
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