WALKER Surnames C
Carr, Hannah (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) Carroll, Donal (--living--) Carroll, Ollie Roberta (-) Casey, Barshaba (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) Castleberry, Maggie (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) Clifton, Bobby (-) Clifton, Logan Ray (-) Collier, Mary Jane (8 JAN 1863-UNKNOWN) Collins, C. B. (16 OCT 1929-2 APR 1997) Collins, Janet Lea (--living--) Collins, Shirley (--living--) Conn, Hugh (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) Crabb, Napoleon Bonapart (-) Curtis, Rachel (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) Cuzick, F. D. (UNKNOWN-) This page, and all genealogical data contained on it are © 2001 Dorothy Trammell ( |
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