WALKER Surnames M

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Martin, Abe Lee (-)
Mary, (-)
Mary, (-)
Maulding, Frances (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN)
McClellan, ? (-)
McClellan, Evelyn (-)
McClellan, Hosia Mae (-ABT. 1989)
McClellan, Jim (-)
McClellan, John P. (-)
McCline, Margaret E (-)
McCoy, Logan Scott (--living--)
McCoy, Ronnie (-)
McCulough, ? (-)
McDonald, Bruce Robert (--living--)
McDonald, Charlene (--living--)
McDonald, Charles Roy (--living--)
McDonald, Dashia Renea (--living--)
McDonald, Leona Pearl (--living--)
McDonald, Rebecca (-)
McDonald, Robert James (--living--)
McDonald, Roseanna (--living--)
McDonald, Sharon Lea (--living--)
McDuff, Brandy (-)
McDuff, Gene (-)
McDuff, Zachary (-)
McKay, Izzetta Delora (--living--)
McKeown, Theresa Ann (-)
McLaughlin, James Hawthorne (-)
Michaels, Mary E (-)
Mills, Audrey Jo (--living--)
Mills, Thomas Jackson (--living--)
Mills, Tom (-)
Mitchell, Marcella Gay (-)
Moore, ? (-)
Murrell, Jonathan W. (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN)
Myres, Louese (-)

This page, and all genealogical data contained on it are © 2001 Dorothy Trammell (tramco@comanchetx.com).


This information is provided for the free use of those engaged in non-commercial genealogical research. Any commercial use is strictly prohibited.

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