William WALKER Letter - July 13, 1844

WALKER, WILLIAM Estate, Abbeville District, South Carolina:
Mississippi Carroll County
July 13, 1844

Dear Brother,

I now take my pen in hand to informe you that we have had to part with our second daughter Nancy A. which died June 28 which it is the first death that we have wit. in our family but very little sickness since we have been together but thanks be to God for his kindness to us for our lives helth strngth and being here we are all at present in tolerable health at presence we hope that these few lines will meet you all in good health but it is necessery that we should think all wise on that grate goodness power of that good and merciful God that directs and manages all things as he pleases and who then do wheter his will be one. I beseash you bros. and sis. pray for us I will inform you that there a good deal of sickness in our section of country this summer and joining countys and very fatil what cause we cant tell we have had seasons of fine crops here I have had a hard year work so far I have cultivated near about 40 acres with one horse and two little sones, Henry and William with there hoing. Bro. I received your leater that you sent by cousin Thos harris which informed me you would indever to do what you could for me pervid. I would give you some authority to do and act for me so here I try to send you this power to collect that little morsel which is due me of my fathers estate. If I have any right there including all of you brothers and sisters I hop Saml. you will manedy it with out any difaculty which I never recieved one pennys worth but was som thirty or forty dollars lowser I wish you to arang this matter with Jas. in peace and qiteness as brothers a to do I hope Bro. Jas. you will study my right and clame to be justus as well as your own bro. Saml. I wish you to git this amount let it be little or much as I have an opertunity of gitting it brought to me this fawl or winter by Cousin Wm. Harris the preacher of the gospel if you can posable mak this collection for me send it by Mr. Wm. Harris and he will recept for me nothing more but remaines your brother and sister until death Wm. and Nancy Walker Saml. W. and Mary Ann Walker.

Written to Saml. W. Walker Abbeville Dist. South Carolina. Mar. 19, 1846 Wm H. Harris recd. of Saml. W. Walker Sr. $260.25 in full of est. Wm. Walker decd. late of Abbeville Dist. to the heirs of Wm. Walker late of Carrol County, Mississippi. Expend: Jan. 16, 1830 recd. of Jas. Walker $20.87-1/4, Recd. of John Walker #34.50. Recd. of Robert G. Walker $5,37-1/4. Recd. of Mary Walker $8.20. Recd. of Nancy Walker $343.57-1/4.

Abstracted from "Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds".

Submitted by:
Carole S. Walker


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