Daniel H WALKER, (1835-1914)
Lincoln, Lancaster Co, NE (1999) Military & Pension Records, Des Moines Co, IA |
Des Moines Co, IA The below CIVIL WAR information has been confirmed via National Archives Military & Pension (complete file) records for Daniel H WALKER b. 4th June 1835 (as stated on Soldier’s Home form – Pacific Branch 27 Jan 1909), Des Moines Co, Iowa d. 30 March 1914, Lincoln, Lancaster Co, NE (note on pension file stating Daniel was living with his daughter Mrs Abbi I Dingman at the time of death). Daniel H WALKER (brother to Ransom WALKER Pvt, Co E, 1st Reg't Iowa Cavalry and William M WALKER 1st Lt, Co. E, 19th Iowa Infantry) served as a Corporal in Co. K, 19 Regiment Iowa Vol Infantry from 21 August 1862 till Honorably Discharged 10 July 1865 Davenport, Iowa. Company Muster-in Roll Co K, 19th Reg’t Iowa Infantry. Of the organization named above. Roll dated Keokuk Iowa, Aug 21 1862. Where born Des Moines Co Iowa Age 27 y’rs; occupation Teacher When enlisted Aug 4 1862. Where enlisted Mt Pleasant Iowa For what period enlisted 3 years. Eyes Blue; hair light Complexion light; height 6ft. 3in. When mustered in Aug 21, 1862. Muster-in to date Aug 4, 1862. Bounty paid $25; Premium paid, $2. On 12th October 1863 Daniel wrote a letter to Colonel J.S. Bangs seeking promotion, “respectfully solicit a commission in some Regiment of Corps d’Afrique now being raised by you [referring to Colonel J S Bangs].” Col. J.S. Bangs penned a letter dated same day to Head Quarters, 19th Iowa Vol Infantry, Carrollton, LA “for a position as Lieutenant in one of the Colorado Regiments now being raised by you in New Orleans La; We have tried him as to his qualifications and find him capable of filling any position he may ask for; his former conduct as a soldier would bear ??ilation by any soldier in the field. He has at all times faithfully and diligently performed the duties of his office with credit and honor to himself and company, and has proven himself a good disciplinarian; We therefore, recommend him to your consideration, feeling confident his promotion will add to the good of the service.” The letter of recommendation was co-signed by approximately 8 other officers from Co’s B, C, D, H. However, unable to clarify who Col J.S. Bangs was addressing his letter to. Company Descriptive Book Enlistment. When Aug 4 1862. Where Mt Pleasant. By whom Capt Roderick; term 3 y’rs. Remarks; In action at Prairie Grove Ark Dec 7. 62 [out of 51 men 38 were killed or wounded, and Capt Simeon F Roderick had twelve bullet holes in his coat.], the Siege of Vicksburg & on the expedition to Morganza & Brazos Santiago & Browns Ville Texas 1863. P.O. Mt Pleasant Iowa. Company Muster-Out Roll Daniel H WALKER Corpl, Co K, 19 Reg’t Iowa Infantry. Age 27 years. Appears on Co. Muster-Out Roll, dated Mobile Ala, July 10 1865. Lasted paid to June 30, 1863. Clothing Account: Last settled June 30, 1863; drawn since $26.57. Bounty paid $25; due $75. Remarks; *On detached service as I.M. Sgt. 98” U.S.C.I. since Sept. 10”/64 by S.O. No. 115 Hd. Trso. Dept. of the Gulf. Due to injury from a fall during a forced March in late October 1862, Daniel’s health slowly deteriorated and eventually entitled him to an Invalid Pension from the Government. While serving in the Union Army, Daniel wrote a letter in 1863 to his sister Susannah WALKER CROSS and Mordecai CROSS, while they were living in Fort Madison, Lee County, Iowa, which follows:
To Mordecai Cross Ft. Madison, Iowa Headquarters, Post of Springfield, Mo March 15th, 1863 Dear Brother & Sister & Friends, With due respect after a long time of negligence, I seat myself to note you a few lines. Our regiment, ever since it came into this State, has had a great deal of heavy duty to perform. Last fall and a portion of this winter we were marched nearly to death; three days previous to the Battle of Prairie Grove, Arks., we marched 120 miles; that is, we marched that distance within that time. There were many who fell by the way, exhaustless, while upon that march, still those that stood the trip did not show any signs of being fatigued when we were ordered into line of Battle; it seemed as though they had entirely forgotten their weariness, and nothing excited their ambition, or passions, but fight. We were first ordered into two lines about six hundred yards from the enemy, on the creek bank, or a little below the brow of the hill; there we were ordered to lay down; the Rebel Batterys (two in number) were in plain view to us, but they could not see us. Our Batterys took their position on the right & left & behind us, considerably elevated. Then the battle commenced, the battery that was behind us fired over us; and for about a half an hour cannon balls whistled through the air like hail; at the expiration of this time, we silenced the Rebel batteries, and one of our batteries advanced to within about four hundred yards of the enemy in plain view in a cornfield, and at this juncture, the 19th were ordered forward to support the aforesaid battery, which we did in good order, but did not halt at the battery, but made a charge on the enemy; we advanced to within about 250 yards of the enemy, and were halted and ordered to fire; (the Rebels were down at the foot of the hill at this time). We gave them some three vollies, when they broke and skedadled back over the hill in the wood; we then were ordered forward, quick time, until we reached, or assended about half way up the hill, when we were ordered to halt, and Co. K was sent forward as skirmishers; when we gained the top of the hill our Capt. (Roderick) reported all clear, then the Regt. Advanced, and at this time the Rebels were about to repulse the 20th Wis. on our right, so we were ordered on double quick, to rally and support the 20th Wis. which we did, and drove the enemy back in the wood again & took two batteries from them, but could not get them away as all the battery horses were killed; then we marched in line across an orchard to the far fence, where we were again ordered to lay down; we had not more than obeyed the command when the Rebels raised up before us about 30 paces distant (perhaps not so far) in a perfect mass. We received the command to fire, which we obeyed, then fell on our backs and loaded, and so continued until we fired four vollies, when we were ordered to fall back and support our Batteries, but at this time the fight had become so furious and I was so busy loading & firing, that I did not hear the command and did not notice them falling back on my left until they were several paces in advance of me; (I was expecting a bayonet charge) I fired my piece through the crack of the fence, (at this time the Rebels were within 30 feet of me) and double quicked for my company. Before I regained it, however, our Capt. (Roderick) hoped to rally, but could not, then we stared again for the Battery; at this time there was so much smoke that I could scarcely distinguish our men from the Rebels, and came almost into their lines; I could have reached them with my bayonet if I had of had it on, but for some reason they did not discover me, or they could have taken me prisoner or shot me. We then rallyed around our Battery, gave them a few grape or canister, which sent them back over the hill again. The 26th Ind. & 37th Ills. then made charges and kept the Rebels at bay until Genl Blount came up and opened on them, and from that until dusk you could hear nothing but the roaring of cannon or musketry, a continual volley after volley. It is not necessary for me to narrate any further, for I presume you have read all the particulars of the fight time & again. I thought perhaps you would like to hear some of the particulars incident to the fight, by one that was in it, therefore I have given them in my weak manner. The Rebels during the night muffled their wagon wheels & skedadled for tall timber. The nearest that I came to getting wounded was I had my face, or cheek, scorched a little; Billy [brother William, in the same infantry regiment] was knocked down, but not wounded; the ball passed so near his temple that it stunned him. Ransom [brother, in Co. E., 1st Iowa Cavalry Regiment] was back guarding the train, consequently was not in the fight. I received a letter a few days ago, stating that Billy [a friend from Iowa] was wounded at the Battle of Pittsburg, taken to St. Louis, and there died; Oh, how shocking the news, I could scarcely believe it at first, still it is nothing unaccountable to hear of friends fall on all sides; there is no respect of persons in Battle, one is the same as the other to the Rebels. I am sorry, I always thought so much of Billy, he was so honest & clever, & inoffensive that anyone almost couldn’t help liking him. Still, he fell in a glorious cause, in defense of his county, and I trust has gone to heaven. Please write and give me the particulars of his death. [The Battle of Pittsburg Landing, better known as the Battle of Shiloh, occurred on April 6-7, 1862, of which the 19th Regt. was not involved, although two regiments from his area of Iowa, the 3rd and 15th, did participate, which included his friend Billy.] I am now clerking at Post Head Quarters Springfield Mo. I am not able for field duty, but think I will go to my Regt. in a few weeks, & if I can’t stand it, I will get my discharge. I have not really been able for field duty since last Oct. but remained with the Regt. until the Battle [of Prairie Grove], since which I think I have not been with the Regiment. I hurt myself last Oct. while on a force march; I strained myself across the groin, causing a slight rupture, which affects my urinal organs. I was two months, nursing in the hospital at Fayetteville, Arks. Then I came here to Springfield, and clerked for Dr. Hubbard, Medical Director, & Dr. Bruner, Discharging Surgeon, for about three weeks; then the Medial Director gave me a recommend to the Post Adjutant, stating that I am not able for field duty; and have been here ever since. I am clerking at Post Head Quarters, in the Adjutant’s Office. Please reply soon as this come to hand. I am ashamed, that I have not written to you before, but trust you will pardon me. Write often for I am always anxious, & glad to hear from any friends. Direct Springfield, Mo. Post Head Quarters, Box 140, & it will come direct to this office. I will send you an envelop with my address on it. My respects to you & Susy, & to all the children. Good bye, good bye. Farewell to all, Remains your Brother [Signed] D. H. Walker I heard from Ransom & Billy the other day, they were well. Billy is at Forsyth, Mo. & Ransom is somewhere near West Plains, Mo. some 100 miles apart. D. H. W. Submitted by Harriet L Walker Karow, Melbourne VIC Australia (ggranddaughter of Ransom WALKER) email wik@aapt.net.au |
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