George Walker, Pension Records

Burke Co., NC

This is the Rev. War pension record of George Walker, b. November 20, 1745 in Fauquier Co., VA. Died October 10, 1833 in Bledsoe Co., TN. He was a brother to Jesse Walker (submitted previously).

He was also in the Revolutionary War from Burke Co., NC. There were some words I could not decipher and so they are shown with ?.

Ruth Kent -

State of Tennessee
Bledsoe County

On this 19th day of March 1852, personally appeared before the undersigned a Justice of the Peace in and for said county, William Walker a resident of said county, aged sixty years who being first duly sworn according to law makes oath that he is the administrator of his father Geoge Walker dcd, late of said county and who was a pensioner of the United States at the rate of two hundred and thirty dollars a year and drew his pension at Knoxville, Tennessee for services rendered as a Lieutenant and Captain in the North Carolina Militia from Burke County during the Reveolutionary and who makes the following declaration in order to recover from the United States an increase of the amount of pension which was allowed to his father in his lifetime and would state that he always understood from his father this said George Walker that he entered the services of the United States from Burke County, North Carolina in Militia services in the early part of the war that his first service was as a 1st Lieutenant in a militia company commanded by Captain Hardin afiant thinks his first name was John Hardin that he remained in said service for some considerable time as Lieutenant after which he was promoted or elected Captain of a militia company which was raised in said Burke County that he continued in said service as captain for the remainder part of the war a part of his time he was commanding the militia and a part as captain of Volunteer troops that he always understood from his father the said George Walker that he was under Colonel Joseph McDowell a part of his time and also under Genl. Morgan then he was at the Battles of Ransours Mills in 1780 and at Singletons or Catrons Mills and he thinks he was at the battle of the Cowpens and that he has often heard him say that when the battle of Kings Mountain was fought he was there in command of a company and was on his march to Kings Mountain but did not reach there in time to be in that ___?__. Affiant cannot give the particular of his fathers service or the particular dates but always understood that he was out in the services as Captain the greater part of the whole war that his first service was as Lieutenant & the remainder as Captain and that the tories was so troublesome that he could not stay at home. Consequently he remained in service until the close of the war in seventeen hundred and eighty two. Affiant is therefore certain from what he always understood from his father that his service as captain for more than two whole years and therefore he as administrator claims an increase of his pension from the amount allowed him $230 a year under Act of Issue 1832 to four hundred and eighty a year from 4th March 1831 to 12th October 1833 at which time he died that at he died in said Bledsoe County on 12th October 1833 that at the time of his death he left the following named children to wit Ephriam Walker, Sarah Matlock and affiant William Walker all of whom is now living that at the time of his death he also left Dicy Howard who have since died but left some children, Jesse Walker, who have since died & left kin, Charlotte Cherry who has since died & left kin and Buckner Walker who has also died since the death of the said George Walker and who also left kin but ____?__ so many of the grandchildren and so badly scattered that affiant cannot give all of their names as he dose not no them. Affiant further states that at the time of the death of his father, the said George Walker he was a single man that his wife and affiants mother died before his father the said George Walker that he never afterward married he further states that he has no documentary or record proof in suport of his claim except his fathers old pension certificate which he has not now in his possession but which he will ___?___ to presence & file.

Sworn to & subscribed the date above written.

William Walker
Boid Panky, JP
A D? of George Walker

I, Boid Panky, a justice of the peace in and for Bledsoe County and State of Tennessee do hereby certify that I am well acquainted with William Walker who has this day made oath to the above declaration before me that he is a man of truth and veracity ___?__ faith and credit is due & ought to be given to him

? witness my hand this 19th March 1852

Boid Panky (JP)

Know all men by these presence that I William Walker of Bledsoe County, Tennessee, administrator of the estate of my father the late George Walker, dsd do hereby constitute and appoint William E. Jones of the county of Davidson & State of Tennessee my true and lawful attorney in fact for me and in my name as administrator as aforsaid to prosecute demand and recover for me an increase pension from the United States which was due & coming to my father George Walker in his lifetime for and in consequence of his services as an officer in the Revolutionary War & which since his death descends to his heirs.

Witness my hand and seal this 19th March 1852

Witness William Walker

Boid Panky Administrator of George Walker, Deceased

State of Tennessee
Bledsoe County

I James S. Pankey, Clerk of the County Court of Bledsoe County do hereby certify that Boid Panky whos name is signed offically to the foregoing declaration and certificate is and was an acting Justice of the peace in and for Said County duly commissioned and qualified that the signature thereto perporting to be his is genuine and I further certify that William Walker whos name appears to the above declaration and power of attorney is the legal administrator of the estate of George Walker, decd and that he has ___?__into bond and security according to Law as appears of record in this office on the 11th of November 1833 and further that the Said William Walker this day acknowledged the execution of the above power of attorney to be his ___?__ and ___?__ for the purposes therein contained.

In testimony whereof I here unto affix my Seal of office at office in Pikeville this 19th day of March A.D. 1852.

James S. Pankey Clerk
of Bledsoe County Court

State of Tennessee August Session 1832 Bledsoe County Court

On the fifteenth day of August in the year 1832 personally appeared in open Court before the Worshipful Justices of the County Court of the County of Bledsoe aforesaid now setting, George Walker, a resident of the County of Bledsoe aforesaid in the State of Tennessee aged eighty seven years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.

That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. He volunteered and entered the service in the North Carolina militia under the command of Captain John Hardin, and was mustered into services in the County of Burke and under whom he served three or four tours of duty as his enlistment - after which Captain Hardin left the Company and went to the battle of Stono (?) in the neighborhood of Savannah ___?___ after which this declarant was elected to the command of the company and served during the war in that capacity. He was in the battle of Ramson's Mills in Lincoln County N. Carolina under command of Major Rutherford. He was in several skirmishes among which was that at Blackstocks Mill. He was well acquainted with the Generals McDowell and Rutherford. He quit the service as a Captain but he has no documentary evidence now in his possession to prove it - all being lost from accident, removing about and length of time. During all this time his place of residence was on the South fork of Catawba river in Burke County, N. Carolina. He is unable from the great length of time to state the period when he enlisted or quit the service. He was in several battles with the Indians and Tories during his continuance in service, and well recollects Generals Greens & Morgan, the latter of whom on one occasion gave him orders to march. He is confident he was in service five years - but the exact time when he entered the service he does not now recollect - but he does remember that about the time he entered the services, the Crosscreek expedition was frequently spoken of and he knows that the two events happened within a short period of each other. He states that Captn Gillefalls of the light horse was killed at the battle of Ramsoms Mills, also Captn Pallon - He further states that Captns Wilson and Reid were wounded, and if he recollects right, the American side had eighteen killed and nineteen wounded. His Commissions have both been lost on account of which he is unable to produce either. But he can procure the testimony of Jesse Walker esq. and of the acting Justices of the peace of the County of Bledsoe aforesaid and now a resident citizen of said County, who from his personal knowledge of the declarant will say that the declarant was in the service of the United States and belonged to the militia of North Carolina during the Revolutionary War, and served as a Captain, that he was in the Ramsours engagement on the South Fork of Catawba river, that he joined the service about the time of the Cross creek expedition and well knows he was in service from the length of time the declarant has stated he was in service. The memory of declarant himself has become very defective, and he is unable from memory to make a more detailed statement, and he may be mistaken in some of the facts stated. But he well remembers joining the service and fighting the battles of his country as generally stated in this declaration. He states that he was born in Fauquier County, Virginia in the year 1745.

He states that he has a record of his age now in his possession & has so been since he was fourteen years old.

He states he was living in Burke County, North Carolina when called into service that he lived there until 1796, from whence he removed to Knox County, Tennessee where he lived until 1807, from whence he removed to Bledsoe County, Tennessee, where he now does and has ever since lived. He states that he enlisted the service as a volunteer and in no other way. He states he can give no further account of the names of officers, nor of any Regiment either Continental or Militia nor circumstances of his service that has already been done in his general statement.

He states that he recvd two commissions both of which are lost. He was commissioned by one of the Governors of N. Carolina, whose name he is wholly unable to remember. He states that he was well known to Col. James Standefer, Representative in Congress from the State of Tennessee and has been for thirty-five years. He is also known to Major James Roberson, Representative in the Legislature of Tennessee from Bledsoe County, also to James A. Whitesides esq. Atto at law and Clerk of the House of Representatives of the Tennessee legislature. Also to John Bridgmon esq. Merchant of Pikeville who reside near to him & who can testify as to his character for veracity and their belief of his services in the war of the Revolution.

He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the Pension roll of the agency of any state.

Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.

George Walker

State of Tennessee
Bledsoe County County Court, August Session 1832

Personally appeared in open Court Jesse Walker esq. of the County aforesaid and made oath in ___?__ form of law that he has been acquainted with George Walker from his affiant's infancy. That he knows he was in the militia service as a Captn in the war of the Revolution in the State of N. Carolina - that he was in the battle of Ramsoms on the South Fork of Catawba River and that he joined the service about the time of the Cross creek expedition and also that he was in service near the whole period of the War.

Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.

Jesse Walker

State of Tennessee
Bledsoe County August Session County Court 1832

We George Walker, a clergyman residing in the county of Marion and James Standefer, James A. Whiteside & John Bridgmon, residing in Bledsoe County, hereby certify that we are all acquainted with George Walker who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration, that we believe him to be eighty seven years of ago, that he is respected and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in that opinion. We also further certify that Jesse Walker esq. with whom we are well acquainted and who has given an affidavit annexed to the foregoing declaration is entitled to full credit upon oath, and is now and has been a Justice of the Peace for Bledsoe County about twenty years.

Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.

George Walker, D.D.

James Standefer
James A. Whiteside
J. Bridgman

State of Tennessee
Bledsoe County, County Court, August Session 1832

And the said Court, do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter, and after putting the interrogatories prescribed by the War Department, that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier and served as he states. And the Court further certifies that it appears to them that George Walker who has signed the preceding certificate is a Clergyman resident in the County of Marion, and that James Standefer, James A. Whiteside and John Bridgmon who have also signed the same, are residents in Bledsoe County, and are credible persons, and that their statement is entitled to credit.

The State of Tennessee

I, Scott Terry, clerk of the County Court of Bledsoe County, do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said Court in the matter of the application of George Walker for a pension.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and private seal (not having a seal of Office) this 11th day of August, 1832.

(seal) Scott Terry, Clk.

State of Tennessee

I Scott Terry, clerk of the County Court of Bledsoe County, do certify Alexander Boyd esq. and whose signature appears to the foregoing Declaration and certificate of George Walker is now, and wst at the time of signing the same, an acting justice of the peace in and for said County of Bledsoe, duly commissioned and qualified to act, and that due faith, nd credit is given his official acts as such.

In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed by private seal (not having a seal of Office,) this 14th day of February, 1833.

(seal) Scott Terry, Clerk

State of Tennessee

I, James Standefer, member of Congress from the third Congressional District of the State of Tennessee, certify that Scott Terry, esq. whose signature appears to the two preceeding certificates is now and was at the time of making the same, clerk of the County Court of Bledsoe County, that due faith and credit are given his official acts as such, that the same are his genuine signatures, and that his said certificates are in due form of law, and that that there is no seal of office for such court.

Given under my hand this 16th day of March 1833.

James Standefer

States as a lieutenant in Captain Harden's company in February 1776, that as a lieutenant he served three tours of duty previous to July 1779 when he was elected a Captain in which capacity served he cannot specify the particular periods until the 16th of February 1782 when he was discharged at a fort called Davidson's Fort on Crooked creek of Catawba river in Burke County, N. Carolina, by General Charles McDowell. He states that he was in the service every year from 1776 to 1782.

And he further states that by reason of old age and the consequent loss of memory, he cannot swear positively as to the precise length of his service but according to the best of his recollection, he served not less than the periods mentioned below and in the following grades: For ten months I served as a lieutenant. For eighteen months I served as a Captain, and for each service I claim a pension.

Subscribed & sworn to

before me the date above George Walker

Alexander Boyd

Justice of the (missing) for
Bledsoe County

Submitted by: Ruth Kent (


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