1764 VA 1836 (W)VA
The following information was obtained from pension application documents obtained from the National Archives:
Born September 1764 --- Died 28 May 1836 Wife --Rachel
Declaration of Memucan Walker in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress , passed June 7 th 1832.
Greenbrier County , State of Virginia
On this the 22 nd day of October, 1832 personally appeared in open court before the Justices of the Court of Greenbrier County now sitting , Memucan Walker, a resident of said County of Greenbrier and State of Virginia, aged seventy eight years and one month, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath, make the following declaration,
in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7 th 1832--- That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officer, and served as herein stated--- That he entered the service as a volunteer, under Capt. William Dawson, at the age of 16 years in the year 1780, in the County of Lunenberg and State of Virginia. That he was enlisted on the 23 of September,1780, and continued in the service until the last of November, 1781. That he served in Col. Cock's Regiment. That he marched from Lunenberg to join General Green, and did join him at Ervins Ferry on Dan River-- and from thence-- under General Green and in Gen, Stevens Brigade, continued the march in North Carolina and on to Gilford Court House, where he was engaged in the Battle of Gilford Court House--from whence he retreated with the Army to Doublesome Iron Works, on Deep River. Then he pursues the rear of the enemy under Cornwallace down Deep River to Rumson's Mills. Then they received orders to return to Virginia, and took their line of march via Hillsbrough North Carolina, thence to the Roanock at Sir Peyton Skypetth's Ferry, where they crossed and came to Petersberg, Virginia. From thence to James Town and then to York-- where they entered upon the seige, and continued thence until the surrender of the British Army under Cornwallace. At the battle of Guilford Court House, he was commanded by Capt. Dawson, Col Coke, General Stevens was the Brigadier General, and General Green was their commander. At York Town he was still commanded by Cpt. Dawson,-- General Washington , commander in chief. Our applicant does not recollect the names of the intermediate officers at York Town. That he resided in Lunenburg County, Virginia where this applicant was raised when he entered service, - and that he now lives in Greenbrier where he has resided for the last twenty years. That he has no documentary evidence of service, and he knows no person whose testimony he can procure, who can testify to his service, Sworn to and subscribed the day and year afforesaid:
As a part of the court proceedings, the following questions were asked:
Where and what year were you born? Ans. "I was born in the year 1764 in the County of Lunenburg , Virginia."
Have you any record of your life and if so , where is it? Ans: " I have at home , a copy of my father's register."
Where were you living when you were called into service, where have you lived since the Revolutionary War, and where do you now live?
Ans: When called into service, I lived in Lunenberg County , Virginia. I have since lived in the State of Maryland and South Carolina and I now live in Greenbrier County , Virginia."
How were you called into service, were you drafted, did you volunteer or were you a substitute and if a substitute , for whom?
Ans: "I was a volunteer and served one year two months and seven days-- We volunteered during the War."
State the names of some of the regular officers who were with the troops where you served--Such Continental and militia regiments as you can recollect and the general circumstances of your services.
Ans: Col.____of the Maryland Regiment, old Gen. Morgan of the Rifelmen, Col. William Washington of the Cavelry--I do not recollect any names for the Regiments and my general service is set forth in my declaration."
Did you ever receive a discharge from the service and if so , by whom was it given?
Ans: "I received a discharge from General Stevens---But have lost it."
State the names of the persons to whom you are known in your present neighborhood, and who can testify, as to your character for veracity and their belief of your service as a soldier of the Revolution.
Ans: " James Jarett and Samuel McClung"
Sworn to and subscribed this 22nd day of July in open court.
James Jarett and Samuel McClung provided character testimony for Memucan.--Not included, but both men stated his good character and that they believed him.
Submitted by: Linda Steorts Kaufman |