Ransom WALKER, Military & Pension Records

Des Moines Co, IA

The below information has been confirmed via National Archives Military &Pension (complete file) records for Ransom Walker b. 15 Mar 1842 Mt Pleasant, Des Moines Co, IA d. 12 Oct 1913 Lincoln, Lancaster Co, NE.

On 13 Jun 1861 in Burlington IA, Ransom WALKER joined the Union Army, Pvt., Co E, 1st Reg't Iowa Cavalry, for a period of 3 years. On 31 July 1861 in Davenport IA, Ransom was mustered-in. As stated on his 'Company Muster Roll' for June 13 to Aug 31 1861, "(Record of Events) Furnished his own horse & horse equipment, and forage for his horse & subsistence for himself to the 29 July 1861" signed Harris.

On 30 Mar 1862 in Sodd Springs (on the Sage River) MO, was injured by a saber to the inside of his right wrist, while fencing with a comrade - treated at the Columbia MO Regimental Hospital. On 28 Aug 1863, during engagement at Batou Metoe, Ransom was shot in the left thigh - treated at Little Rock AK in Sep 1863. The 'Casualty Sheet' states, ".....date of casualty, Aug 26.27.28. 1863. List of Casualties 1 Iowa Cavalry not dated or signed. Index 58 no 40" signed D.D. Davison May 14/84

Listed Below, my GG-grandmother supplied a copy of Ransom's Discharge when she applied for the 'Widow's Application For Accrued Pension' - thus no copy in Ransom's Military file, only his Pension file

Know Ye, that Ransom. Walker Private of Captain T.A. Bereman's company, (E) First Regiment of Iowa. Cavalry Volunteers who was enrolled on the thirteenth day of June, one thousand eight houndred and sixty one, to serve three years or during the war is hereby D I S C H A R G E D. from the service of the United States, this 9th day of September 1864 at Davenport, Iowa, by reason of expiration of enlistment.

(No objection to his being reenlisted is known to exist) Said Ransom Walker was born in Des Moines County in the state of Iowa, is twenty years of age, five feet eleven inches tall, Fair Complexion Blue eyes, light hair, and by occupation, when enrolled a Farmer. Given at Davenport Iowa this 9th day of September 1864.

Alex Chambers,
Capt, 18th U.S.A. Mustering Officer.

Daniel C. Dinsmore
Capt, 1st Iowa Cav,
State of Nebraska Lancaster County)ss

This Certifies, that I,M L. Easterday a Notary Public in and for Lancaster County and Sate of Nebraska, have this day compared the above and foregoing Copy with the original Discharge which is now before me, and that it is a true and exact copy, of the original Discharge, that said original Discharge is in good state of Preservation, In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and have affixed my Notarial Seal this 18th day of October A.D. 1913.

Submitted by: Harriet (Walker) Karow of Melbourne Australia & assisted by Duncan Morrow who made a special trip to National Archives to obtain copies of Ransom's Pension file.


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