South Dakota WALKER Obituaries

Willis Lee WALKER 1915 -1938

Willis Lee WALKER, 23, resident of Sioux City most of his life, died Monday, after an illness of five weeks. West's funeral home is in charge.

Mr. WALKER was born June 23, 1915, at Madison, S. D. He moved to Sioux City with his parents when a child. The last several months, before his illness, he was employed in a Sheldon, IA dry cleaning establishment.

He married the former Audrey MADDUX here in 1935. Surviving are the widow, a daughter, Marilyn Jean, and his father, Harry WALKER, all of Sioux City; a brother, ROWE, Compton, CA, and a sister, Mrs.Margaret CULVER, Hawthorne, CA.

Submitted By: 1999.


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