Alexander WALKER Will 1771
July 6, 1771
This day came before me John Maxwell, one of His Majesty's Justices
of Peace for county aforesaid, John Wallace and his wife Mary
Ann Wallace, Joseph Robinson and Jane Sprout, and made oath on
the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that the within writing hereunto
adjoined contains the true last will of the within named Alexander
Walker, dec's., as far as they know and believe, viz. "Alec,"
said Joseph Robinson, in the presence of John Wallace and his
wife and Jane Sprout; "You are very low and it is unknown
to either you or us whether you ever will be restored to health
again or not, and I suppose it is necessary that you should dispose
of what estate Providence has given you". "Yes, yes;"
replied he, and immediately without any questions expressed himself
in following manner: Five pounds to my brother's oldest son that
lives in Carolina; five pounds to each of his two daughters, and
five pounds to my sister Martha Mineely, and all the rest of my
estate to my brother John (and the said John Wallace observed when
he named his brother John and allowing the rest of the estate to
him, he the deceased Alex. Walker raised his hand and pointed it
toward him); he the said Alexander Walker appearing to be of perfect
sound mind and memory and every way sensible, and sat on the bedside
half an hour later unsupported by any person", etc. Signed and
sworn to by the above named deponents, July 6, 1771. The will was proved on motion of John Walker, Admstr. with John Maxwell and James McGavock. Will Bk I., Page 7. BOTETOURT COUNTY WILLS |
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