Widow of COL. John Walker 1805 Taken from Will Book A, B, C, D, E & F -- Page 84 The last will & Testament of ELIZABETH WALKER widow of COL. JOHN WALKER deceased made the Sixth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & five At this time I the said ELIZABETH WALKER being of sound & perfect memory & possessd of Rational Faculties & Sound mind yet with all in a Feable State of Body and Health much impard & knowing it is appointed for me to die do make & ordain This my last will & Testament, I give & bequeath to my son JACOB WALKER a negro woman named Sarah which I purchased from my Sister Alice Alexander in her life time Together with all my live stock Household Furniture & the Residue of my leagcy left to me by me Brother William Watson Deceased of York District South Carolina comprising my whole & Intere Estate that I shall die possessed off I by this my last will & testament Devise & give to my said son JACOB WALKER made in Rutherford County No. Carolina & Signed with my own hand the day and year above written & I Further authorise & Impower my son JACOB Aforesaid to collect any monies due to me that may be owing at my decease & to act in the Capacity of an Executor- Signed & Acknowledged in the presence of her
Submitted by: WalkerEng@aol.com |
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