George WALKER Will 1744

January 29, 1744

In the Name of God Amen I George WaIker of the County of Westmoreland and parish of Cople and in Virginia planter being in health of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God or it and Calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and Testament (that is to say) principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hand of God that gave it me and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian way at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the General resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I give devise and dispose of in manner following. Imprimis I give to my beloved wife Winefred Walker all my land in Westmoreland county during her life Provided she doth not thirds my land in Fairfax County.

Item I leave to my wife one negro man named Grinock and money out of the estate to buy another Negroe man, Item one black horse branded with S on the near Buttock named Shaver and the best feather bed and furniture. Item one white horse branded on the near Buttock thus r, named Brandy Forever.

Item I give to my daughter Barbary my stil and mare and colt, one feather bed and furniture, the second best in the house and one Negroe Girl named Hannah and my daughter Winnian is to have the first colt that the mare brings forever. Item I give to my daughter Rachel one mulattoe boy named Ned, one black mare and third best feather bed and furniture.

Item I give to my daughter Winnian one negro girl named Winney forever

Item I give to my daughter Franky one negroe Girl named Grace forever.

Item I give to my four daughters Barbary, Rachel, Winnian and Frankey fifteen hundred and six acres of land in Fairfax County to be equally divided among them to deem and theirs forever and if any of them die without heirs the aforesaid land is to return back to the survivors to be equally divided among them and as concerning my land in this county after my wifes death I desire it may be sold and the money be equally divided betwixt my two daughters Winnian and Franky and if any of the said two Children die the survivor to have it and they should both die before my wife to be equally divided betwixt Barbary and Rachel, all my Remaining estate not mentioned after my legacies and debts are paid to be equally divided betwixt my wife and four children and do hereby utterly. disallow, revoke and make void all and every other testament made before the ratifying and Confirming this and not other to be my last will and Testament and Lastly do conclude this my last will and Testament to hereby nominate and Apppoint Mr. Daniel Tebbs, and Mr. John Middleton to be my sole Exec of this my last will and Testament and likeways my beloved wife- Winefred Walker, In Witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 13the day of December Anno; Domini 1744.

George Walker Seal

Signed Sealed published Pronounced and declared by the said Geo. Walker as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us James Clarke, Clarke Short, Henry his X mark, Calvesus, Westmoreland Cty. At a Court held for the said County the 29th day of Januy 1744. This last will and Testament of George Walker deceased was presented into Court by Winefred his relict and John Middleton of the Executors in the said Will named who made oath thereto and being proved by the oaths of all the wifnefses thereto is admitted to record, and upon the motion of the said Winefred and John and their performing what is usual in such Cases Certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.

Teste Geo. Lee CWC

Submitted by Ed Teer/1998


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