South Carolina. In the name of God Amen. I George Walker being of perfect sound Mind and Considering the Precarious and uncertain State of Life, I do hereby make and leave This my Last Will and Testament. And in the first place After my funeral Charges and all my Just Debts are duly and Justly paid------

Item: I give and Bequeath to my Wife, Sarah Walker, one Cow and Calf And All my Dresser Firniture----
Item: I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Cook Wife of Abraham Cook one Cow and Calf----
Item: I give and Bequeath unto My Son James Walker my part of Rich Land Pond so Called with Every Emolument thereto belonging, And one feather Bead---
Item: I give and Bequeath to my Daughter Pershney Cook Wife of James Cook one Cow and Calf---
Item: I give and Bequeath to my Sons Israel and Jonathan Walker The said plantation I now Live on with the Buildings and Every appurtenance Thereto Belonging to be Equally Divided between the said Israel and Jonathan in the manner Most agreeable to them---
Item: I give and Bequeath to my Daughter, Susannah Griffin Wife of Moses Griffin one Cow and Calf---
Item: I give and Bequeath to My Son Israel Walker my Negro Boy named London Also one feather Bed Bedding and Bedstead---
Item: I give and Bequeath the remaining part of my Live stock to my Sons Israel and Jonathan Walker to be Equally Divided between them---
Item: I give and Bequeath unto My Sons James Israel and Jonathan A Note of hand of Patrick Cains Which when recovered to be Equally Divided Between the aforesd. James Israel and Jonathan Reserving out of the aforesaid Note a ten pound horse to be paid my Daughter, Susannah Griffin Wife of Moses Griffin But if not recovered within six Months after my Decease then the Sd. James Walker, Israel and Jonathan to pay the sd. Susannah Griffin a ten pound horse between Them out of there portion of the Estate---

I do now Constitute, Ordain and appoint my Sons Israel and Jonathan Walker Jointly my Executors to this my Last Will and Testament....

In Testament Whereof I have hereunto Signed my hand and affext my Seal at Edisto in the County of Winton this Twenty first Day of February In the year of our Lord one thousand seaven hundred and ninety nine

Signed & Sealed in the presence of
Robt. Walker
M. Matheny
John Cain

George Walker (Seal)

(Recorded in Book A pages 17 and 18)

{Compiler's note - The spelling or misspelling, capitalization of certain words and punctuation has been faithfully copied as originally written, with the exception of certain commas between names which have been inserted by the compiler for purposes of clarity}


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