Will of Henderson Walker
1701 NC In the Name of God Amen. I, Henderson Walker, being well in body and of perfect mind and memory, Considering the uncertainty of this life Doe make & ordeyne this my Last Will & testam't. Impri., I Surrender up my Soul to God yt gave it, believing that through ye prehous death & passion of my Saviour, I shall have full pardon of my Synns, and my body I comitt to ye earth from whence it came to be Interred; and for my Estate, I give as folt: Imps. I give to Elizabeth Walker, now w'th me, and to her heirs for ever, my Plantation at Yawpim, as alsoe Six Cowes, & Calves, Six Sowes, Six Yewes, one Young Mare, one good Geather Bed, bolster, Hooks, Rugg, Blankett, one Larg Iron Pott & frying pan, two pewter dishes, two plates, and my Negro Frank, all to be delivered her at ye sd. plantation at age or Marriage but if she dyes before, I give sd land to my Executrix & her heirs. I give to Maj. Swann, my Swoard, and to Samll. Swann, my Seale Ring, and to tenn poore people tenn Barrells of Corne; and Five Pound to ye building of a Church, and Five Pound to ye Minister who preaches my Funerall Sermon. And to John, George, & Sarah Lillington & ye sd. Elizabeth Walker, each of them a silver spoone. And all of the rest of my Estate, bothe reall & personall, whatsoever, I give my wife Ann Walker, and to her heirs; and this my Will to be taken & looked upon as firme for ye guifts abovesaid as if it were made in ye ample manner as ye law ran. I devise and I make my said wife Ann, Executrix thereof. Do revoake all others by me made. Witness my hand & Seale, the 27th. of Octor. Anno. 1701. HENDERSON WALKER. (Seal) Sealed, published & delivered in presence of: P. Godfrey I, the Subscriber do Declare in ye Presents of god & under ye Peanalty of Perjary, that I saw the Hon'ble Henderson Walker, Esqr., Sign, Seale & Publish the within written to be his Last Will & Testatment, & that he was then in Perfect Sence & Health to ye Best of my Judgment. Sign Robt. O Harmon Proved in Court, July 4th 1704
By ye Oathe of Mr. Peter Godfrey & Geo. Chambers and ye Subscription of From North Carolina Wills and Inventories. Copied from the Original Will, filed in the Office of Secretary of State/Alisa |
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