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21 May 1803
Rockingham Co NC
NC State Archives
[first page]
In the name of God Amen I James Walker of Rockingham County and State of North Carolina Being weak of Body but of Sound mind and memory Do make ordain Constitute and appoint this my last Will and Testiment in form and manner following Viz
to My Beloved Wife Ann I leave and Bequeath Her living of my Track of land also the use and work of my negro Man named Sam During her Natural life
Also a Certain horse Called and known By the Name of Jack and one mare by the name of Rock likewise a Bed and furniture H___ & Kettle Furniture with my farming utensiels or as many as be sufficient for her use on said plantation
Likewise one Cow and Calf & six head of Sheep which will Be Disposed as will be hereafter mentioned at My Said Wife's Death - /
Item to my Son William Walker I will & Bequeath the Sum of five Shillings -- /
Item to Daughter Jane Herron I will and Bequeath The Sum of thirty Dollars to her and her hares -- /
Item to my Daughter Nancy Hodge I Will and Bequeath The sum of thirty Dollars to her and her hares -- /
Item to my Son John Walker I will and Bequeath the half of one track of land which I now live on to be Divided and laid off on the South Side of Said track Begining at my Son Alexander Walkers South Corner and Running by a line that will be the most Advantageous to Both Tracks making an Eaquel Division to Each Track. I Also Bequeath to my Said Son one Mare Called Dimon one Bed and furniture one Cow and Calf and the Remainding Part of my farming utensiels likewise one young gray horse to him and his heirs forever /
Continued on the other Side -- /
[second page]
Item to my Daughter Betsy I Will & Bequeath a mare and Colt the mare Named Pleasure a Bead and Furniture a Cow & Calf a Sadle to her and her hares /
Item to my Daughter Mary I Will and Bequeath one Certain Gray Mare & sadle a Bed and furniture & one Cow and Calf to her and her hares -- /
Item to my Son Abram I Will & Bequeath the Other half of my Track of land Being my Improvemnts on the South Side of said track Except my wifes Mentenance out of Said part To him and his heirs forever. I also give my Said Son one Mare Named Ben and Choice of her Colt one Bed and furniture one Cow and Calf and the Plantation Utensiels I left to my Wife at her Death. /
Item I give to my son William Walkers son James the Sum of Tin Dollars to Be paid at my wifes Death /
Item I give to my Son Alexander Walkers son James The sum of ten dollars to be had at the time above mentioned -- /
I give to my two Sons John & Abram at my Wifes Decease my Said negro Man Called Sam to be Divided as they can best agree to them and there Heirs for Ever -- /
It is allso my will and desire that my Executors Collect My Debts & pay all my Just Debts & Leagecies and the Remaining part of ___ property I give and Bequeath to my Two ___ & to Daughters John and Abram Betsy and Mary to be Divided so as the Two Girls Gets as much more with the Boys /
Item to my son Alexander I Give the som of five Shillings -- /
[page three]
Item I Gave all the propperty that may be Remaining Which was Bequeathed to my Wife at her Decease to all my Said Leagetees to be Sold and Divided Equly. /
I Do Constitute and appoint my two sons William Walker And John Walker my hole & Sole Executors of this my will to see the sam Duly performed
and Executed Revoking and Desenulling all Wills Heretofore made by me in Witness __ whereof I have Set my hand and fixt my seal this Twenty first
Day of May AD 1803 --
Sined Seald Published and / {
Pronounced in Presents of / {
Jno Robertson / {
A Coppy of James Walkers will /
Transcribed by Lin Van Buren