J. Walkers Will
Proved at Jan Court 1820
Book C? page 132 & 3
In The name of God Amain
I John Walker of the State of North Carol and Countey of Rutherford Being in a Low State of health in Bodey But of good mind and memeary and Calling To mind that all men has to Die thinks proper to Dispose of my Estate as follows Viz after all my just Debts is Discharged I Doe heareby Leave unto Robert Walker my Sone the Sum of thirtey Dollars I Lickways Leave to my Daughter Margrey Walker one Note on Joseph Doton amounting to one hundred dollars. Lickway my mare known By the name kite Likway two cows Bede with all the other furniture of the house. the ballance of the property to be Sold and Equally devide made between Robert William & David and Salley my three sones & Daughter.
I Doe heareby apoint my trustey friend---Aurthur Mcluer & Margrey Walker as my Executore and Exetrix to execute this my Last will and Testament in witness where I have hereuntio set my hand and seal this 10 Day of December 1819.
John Mcluer
Nancy Mcluer
Signed by John Walker with his mark.
Submitted by: Sandra Fender (19 August 1998)