John Walker Will - 1820
July 1820 John Walker Will In the Name of God Amen. I John Walker of the County of Rutherford state of North Carolina being under the decay of nature but of sound mind and memory Bless be god for it and calling to mind the mortality of my body and that it is appointed to all and to die do herby constitute and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. Item I give and bequeath to my son James Walker the tract of land wheron he now lives containing twenty acres adjoining land of David Bean? and my other land paten bearing date November 23rd, 1805 to him and his heirs forever. Item My Will is that my Beloved Wife Ursula Walker be possessed with the Whole of my Estate both real and personal during her natural life or Widowhood and at her decease or marriage the Whole of my Estate to be Sold and the money arriving therefrom to be Equally divided among my children, herein named. to wit. Thomas? Walker, John Walker, jun, William Walker, Elijah Walker, James Walker, Jesse Walker, Joel Walker , (name, can't read) and Susannah Walker the rest of my children not to share any part of the above Estate. Item I appoint my son Thomas Walker and Elijah Walker Executors to this my last Will and testament, ratifying and confirming this and none to be my last Will and testament. In Witness, wherof I have hereunto set my and hand and seal this 7th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty. Signed Seal and ????? in presence of
Daniel Gold (jurat) Signed by John Walker Submitted by: Sandra Fender (19 August 1998) |
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