Washington County, TX

County Clerk
Probate Records of James WALKER, Sr.

147 Probate Min. Vol. A A147

Upon petition of Gideon WALKER praying for letters of administration on the vacant estate of James WALKER, Sen. deceased. It is ordered that upon the petitioner furnishing bond and security according to law the prayer of the petitioner be granted and letters of administration issued.

Republic of Texas
Washington County
Court of Probate
Know all men by these present that we Gideon WALKER and James WALKER are held...
148   A148

held and firmly bonded unto John P. COLES Judge of Probate in and for the County of Washington and his successors in office in the penal sum of six thousand dollars to be paid to the said Judge or his successors in office to which payment will and truly to be made we bind ourselves jointly and severally our hired executors and assigns firmly by these present sealed with our seals dated this twenty ninth day of May one thousand eight hundred and thrity seven.. The conduction of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bonded Gideon WALKER have been appointed administrator of the vacant succession of James WALKER Sen. dec = d Now if the said Gideon WALKER shall well and truly perform the duties imposed on him as such and in all things conform himself to the orders of this court and render according to law a regular and just statement of his proceedings as administrator of said estate and make final settlement of said administrationship then this obligation to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue in law.

Done in the town of Washington on the day and date before wittnss.

Signed and delivered in
presence of & the security
approved by me.
John P. Coles
Judge of Probate
Gideon WALKER (seal)
James WALKER (seal)

Republic of Texas

Washington County

Court of Probate

I Gideon WALKER do solemnly swear that I will according to the best of my knowledge

and abilities faithfully discharge the duties of administrator of the vacant succession of James WALKER Sen. dec=d to which I have this day been appointed so help me God.

Sworn to & subscribed before me. Robt Merritt Clerk - P.C. Gideon WALKER

Giden WALKER having given bond and security and taken the oath prescribed by law the following letter of administration was thus issued to wit.

149   A149

Republic of Texas
Washington County
Court of Probate
To all to whom these present shall come Be it know that Gideon WALKER having given bond and taken the oath prescribed

by law, I John P. Coles Judge of Probate in and for the County of Washington have appointed and by the these present do appoint the said Gideon WALKER administrator of the vacant estate of James WALKER Sen. deceased hereby vesting in the said Gideon WALKER all the powers rights and priviledges legally apputaining to said trust, and I sign the same in conformity to law affixing hereunto my private seal having no seal of office in the town of Washington this Twentyninth day of May one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.

  Signed John P. Coles (Seal)
Judge of Probate

Gideon WALKER administrator of the Estate of James WALKER Sen. deceased made the following return to wit.

A Enventory of the sales of the Estate of James WALKER dec=d is considered the valuation of the same so far as we have settled

One Negro Woman $505.00
One do do and 2 Children 1515.00
One do do and 1 Child 1250.00
Cattle stock so far as gathered 227.50
Sales on other perishable property 104.87/2
Notes and orders for collection 88.82

Total $2691.19/2

Republic of Texas
Washington County
I certify that the above was returned to me on this day and sworn to as an Inventory of the property of the succession of James WALKER Sen. this 29th day of May 1837.

  John P. Coles
Judge of Probate

Transcribed by Sue Owens/1998


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