Will of Phillip Walker

November, 1795

1795 Orange Co NC

Orange Co NC Will Book C p62

probated November 1795

State of North Carolina Orange County - Know all men by these presents /
that I Phillip Walker of the County and Province aforesaid being sick /
and weak but in perfect sound Judgement that if it shall please Almighty /
God to take me out of this world to himself I dont desire to make any other /
will than what hereafter follows (to wit) that I Constitute make and Ordain /
John Trousdale and my Brother John Walker to be my whole and sole /
Executors and Guardians for my wife and Children in respect of my Worldly /
Estate to act according to their wisdom and discretion upon Oath and /
Conscience both for my wife and Children as may be best for the benefit of all, /
I desire that my dear and well beloved wife may have it to her choice whether /
to live on the land or not I have in my possession about one Hundred dollars /
in silver and paper and four dollars due by Robert Walker and a note /
assigned over to me by Robert Wilson of nine dollars which I allow my /
Executors to put to the best use for the benefit of my family.

Notice the Note and /
four dollars is in the Hundred dollars above mentioned and in Testimony /
hereof I do hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written /

Signed sealed and delivered Phillip Walker (seal)

in presence of us

John Walker
William Walker

Orange County November Term 1795 /

The Execution of the foregoing Last Will and Testament of Phillip /
Walker deceased was duly proved in Open Court by the Oath of William /
Walker a subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be recorded at the same /
time John Trousdale and John Walker Executors therein named qualified /
accordingly -- Test

Verbatim transcription of the will of PHILLIP WALKER probated in November 1795 in Orange Co NC, as taken directly from Orange Co NC Will Book C p62. Lin Van Buren


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