Will of Robert Walker
1766 Bedford Co VA, Virginia Will Book October the 23d 1766 In the Name of God Amen I Robert Walker of the County of Bedford being in a Low State of Helth Though in my proper Sences Blessed be God for it I do make my Last Will and Testament first of all I Desire all my Just Debts be paid and I desire that my Land Shall not be Sold I Desire Such things to be Sold as Shall be Seen proper by my Executers then my will and Desire is that Agatha Walker Shall have in possesion Tom and Joe and all my Mooables(?) Estate During her Life or Widdow Hood as Long as She Behaves Well and at her Death or Marrage shall fall from her then my Will and Desire is that my Son Elijah Walker Shall Heir Two Hundred Eacres of Land at the Uper end of the Land Where I Now Live to him and his Heirs forever and the Rest to be Divided amonge my fife and Two Daughters Saley and Judea to my Two Daughters and There Heirs forever then my Will and Desire is that I do Leave William Walker and Volintine Corley Executors of my Said Will and Testament then my Will and Desire is that there be no Appaisement of my Estate Robert Walker
In the presents of us James Walker, Andrew Turner, Henry Pigg Submitted by Bill Jackson |
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