Samuel Walker Will
June 29, 1804 North Carolina Granville County Samuel Walker's Will follows: In the name of God amen. I Samuel Walker of Granville County, being of sound & perfect mind & memory blessed be to God, do this twenty ninth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & four make & publish this my last Will & Testament in manner following that is to say: First, I give & bequeath unto my son Samuel Walker one hundred dollars to him & his heirs & assigns forever. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Susanna Dickerson five shillings to her & her heirs & assigns forever. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Stone, one negro boy Jackson, to her & her heirs & assigns forever. Item, I give & bequeath unto my son Julius Walker Two hundred acres of land more or less adjoining the land of John Spears on Long Creek. I also give unto my said son Julius two negroes, to wit,Stephen & Gill to him & his assigns forever. Item, I give unto my son Wm Walker five hundred acres of land whereon he now lives also two hundred & seventy acres whereon I now live, adjoining the lands of Jonatham Kittrell & William Fuller. Also three negroes Tom, Ganot & Robbin to him & his heirs & assigns forever. Item, I give & bequeath unto my son Tho. Walker one negro girl Liby & her issues to him & his heirs forever. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Anna Hunter eighty dollars to her & her Heirs & assigns forever. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Son John Walker five shillings to him and his heirs & assigns forever. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Susanna Dickerson's children to wit, Nancy Dickerson Susanna, Elizabeth, William, Thomas, John, Sally & Keziah Dickerson the following negros, to wit, ________ & her three children and _____ & his six children & their increase to be equally divided among them to them & their heirs & assigns forever. Item, My will & pleasure is that my negro woman Lucy should be set free under the discretion of John Stone and Wm Walker. Item, my will & pleasure is that after all my debts is paid & the _________ in this will is that all the money on hand and all the debt due to my estate & all the Estate that is not given away in this present will, be sold at the discretion on my good friends hereafter mentioned as Executors at any time before or after their qualifications and the money arising to be equally divided between Julius Walker, Sarah Stone & William Walker to them & their heirs & assigns forever. I nominate & appoint John Stone & William Walker Executors to this Last Will & Testament & do hereby revoke Disallowing all Wills heretofore made or intimated to be made by me and in writing whereof I Samuel Walker have hereunto set my hand and seal this day & year first above written. Signed & Sealed in the Some of this was difficult to read. It was found on microfilm. Transcribed by Audrey |
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