IN THE NAME OF GOOD AMEN the 24th Day of March /
1769 I William Walker of the County of Orange Yeom: Being Weak of Body /
but in perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God therefore Calling to /
Mind the Mortality of my Body Knowing that it is appointed for all /
men once to Die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament /
that is to say Principally, and first of all I give & Recomend my Soul /
into the hands of God that give it, and as for my Body I recomend it to /
the Earth to be Buried in a Christian Like and Decent Manner to the /
Discreation of my Executors, Nothing Doubting But the General Resurrec- /
tion I shall receive the Same again By the Almighty Power of God /
and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God /
to bless me with in this Life, I devise give and Bequeath and dispose /
of the same in the following manner and form, it is my Will and /
I do Order that in the first Place all my Just Debts and funeral Charges /
be paid and Satisfied, And I do Order that John Robertson and John /
Corry shall be my Executors ~~~~~~~~~~~ /
Item I do Give and Bequeath to my well beloved wife the thord of all my /
Estate which is a mear and a Cow for a Shot [Shoat?] I have None ~~~~ /
Item I do give to my well beloved Son James Walker Two Dollars. /
Item I do give and bequeath to my well beloved son John Walker /
Ten Pounds he Received in Pensalvania and Twenty Pounds in /
North Carolina and what Cattel he Received ~~~~~~~ /
Item I do give and bequeath to my well beloved sons William /
Abraham & Alexand Equal divide of all the Money and Chattles /
att my Decease the place that William Lived on is his one only /
The one half of the said Tract the East end belongeth to Abraham /
and the tract on Hogan's Creek Belongeth to Alexander ~ /
John Correy (Jur.)
William W Walker
Shusana T Corry
Orange County
July Court 1769
The Execution of the within /
Will is Proved in Open Court by John Corry one /
of the Subscribing Witnesses thereto, and Ordered to /
be Recorded.
P. Nash
N. B. from LVB: The T in Shusana T Corry one of the witnesses is I think her
mark and not her middle initial; likewise, the W in William W Walker appears
to be the testator's mark, not his middle initial. Yeom: is yeoman, meaning
a freeholder who owned his own land and tilled it himself. Spelling and
punctuation are as in the original, and with the symbol "/" to indicate each
change of line in the original document.
Transcribed by Lin Van Buren
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