2 Sep 1805
In the name of God Amen, I William Walker of the county of Goochland being
weak in body, but of sound and perfect mind & memory, blessed be
almighty God for the same, do make and publish this my last will and
testament in manner and form following (that is to say)
First I give and
bequeath unto my beloved wife Jane Walker, all the tract of land whereon
I now live containing One hundred ninety seven & 3 quarter Acres, to
her during the time she may remain my widow - If she marries the land
shall be rented out for the benefit of my children by her untill they
become of age, or marry (the youngest) then the land shall be sold and
the money equally divided among my children or the survivors of them,
by the said Jane Walker to them and their heirs forever. But should all
my children by her the said Jane Walker die without issue, or before
they become of age, then the product arising from the sale of the above
mention_ Tract of land to be equally dividied among my children by my
first wife to them and their heirs forever.
I also give to my beloved
wife Jane Walker all my kitchen furniture, two Beds with furniture, One
the bed that I usually lay on, the other a trundle bed. One red table
one red cupboard and one red painted chest, four black chairs, one
choice yoke Oxen & Cart, two choice cows & calves, two choice
ewes & lambs, six choice hogs, all my cotton, flax wheels &
cards, One loom, all my slays harnices warping boxes and warping barrs,
One case of knives, forks, shoe knife, butcher knife, two sows and pigs,
One horse the choice of my stock, One womans saddle & Bridle all my
stock fowls. One grind stone. One half of all my crop on hand or growing
at my death, two choice cyder casks, One pair iron wedges all my pewter
earthen and glass ware, two juggs (1 gal. ea.) 1 Qt. jug. two choice bee
hives, One pair flat irons, One pair F. tongs, 1 choice candle stick, one
pair tailors shears, one brd hoe, two wead.g hoe., One hill hoe, One
plough and half sheer, One trowel hoe One pr. choice Iron traces, One
horse collar., harness and ploughing lines, all my salt and barrells,
flax, wool cotton & Barrels etc., One choice meal bag &
sifter all my hides raw & tanned.
Also I give my beloved wife Jane
Walker to her and her ~ heirs forever, One negro girl named Agga with her
increase & a negro boy named Jack, also I give her all my meat, fat,
soap & candles, that be on hand at my death. One powdering tub,
One board ax, One hatchet, two butter pots, One drawing knife, One brass
skillet also Nine pounds twelve shillings to be taken out of my son
George's ~ part of my estate -
I also give to my youngest son William
S Walker one horse or choice nag that may be at the time of my death which
may be chosen by his mother or relation. Also give him my saddle &
bridle Also One gun.
I also give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth
Rite during her natural life One negro man named Phill, and at her death
to be hired out untill all her children become of age or married Then the s
.d Phill shall be sold and the money arising from such sale divided equally
among her children.
I also lend one negro man named Ralph to my daughter
Ann Lemay during her natural life,
and then the negro to be sold & the money arising therefrom
equally divided
among her lawful children ~
I also give and bequeath unto my son James Walker One negro
lad named Sam, but should my son James die without an
heir then my will is that the negro be sold, and the money
divided among all my children ~
I also give and bequeath unto my son Lewis Walker One negro
boy named Sorney to him and his heirs forever ~
I also give and bequeath unto my son Elverton Walker One
negro lad named Peter to him and his heirs forever. Also one
Bed and furniture.
I also give and bequeath unto my daughter
Mary F Walker One negro woman named Kate & her increase
to her & her heirs forever.
I also give and bequeath unto my son Peyton Walker One negro
woman named Dolly to him & his heirs forever.~
Lastly, as to all the rest, residue & remainder of my Estate
goods & chattels, of what kind and nature soever, shall be
and the money equally divided among all my children, after
discharging all just claims that may come against my estate
I do appoint my son Elverton Walker & my worthy friend John
Todd my sole executors of this my last will and Testament
hereby revoking all former wills by me made.
In Witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the second
day of September in year of our lord eighteen hundred
and five ~
Signed, Sealed publish & declared
William X Walker ( L.S.)
by the above named William Walker
to be his last will and Testament
in presence of us, who have hereunto
subscribe Our names as witness in
presence of the Testator.
G H Mitchell
William Dickerson
John C. Gilliam
R. Cocke
At a monthly sessions court held for Goochland county at the courthouse
on monday the 20th day of October 1806 ~
This writing was presented in court and proved by the oaths of
Garland H. Mitchell and Richard Cocke to be the last will and
Testament of William Walker decd & ordered to be recorded.
And John Todd an executor herein named appeared in Court and refused
to qualify as such.
Teste, Wm Miller BGC
Transcribed by Antoinette Waughtel Sorensen/1998 Homepage