Will of William WALKER
13 April 1819 The following Will was transcribed from a photocopy of the old, original hand-written Will of William Walker Sr. that was sent to me by another Walker researcher. The photocopy was somewhat difficult to transcribe and transcription errors were inevitable due to some guesswork in reading it. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT In The Name of God Amen, I, William Walker of the Township of Clinton, County of Lincoln and District of Niagara, Yeoman, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and knowing its appointed for all men once to die, being weak and infirm in body but of (sound?) mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God - do make ordain and constitute this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following - That is to say first I give and commit my soul unto the hands of almighty God that gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in a decent and Christian like manner at the discretion of my executors herein after named and as to my worldly estate where with it hath pleased (pleased) Almighty God to blef (bless) me with I give Bequeath and Dispose of in the following manner – That is To Say First I give to my eldest son Robert Walker, In Orange County State of North Carolina, the sum of One Hundred Pounds New York Currency if called for within the space of seven years after my decease. I give to my son John the like sum of one hundred pounds of like money. I give to my son William the sum of one hundred pounds like money. I give to my son Ralph Walker the sum of Four Hundred pounds like money as above said and I give and bequeath to my son Thomas one Hundred pounds like money. I also give and bequeath to my grandson Archibal McKool, son of William McKool, the sum of two hundred pounds like money. I give and bequeath to my son Phillip the sum of one hundred pounds like money all the above said gifts and bequeaths to be paid in one year after my decease. I also give to my daughter Margaret Mckool one hundred pound like money to be paid her by my executors in year after my decease together with my large cafe (case) of drawers. I Also (also) give to my daughter Sarah McKool the sum of one hundred pounds like money and in like manner, together with my beft (best) bed and bedding with the curtains thereunto belonging. I give and bequeath to my daughter Nancy Henry the sum of five pounds like money. I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Sarah Henry my small chest (chest) of drawers. I alfo (also) give to my granddaughter, Elizabeth Walker, daughter of my son Isaac (Isaac), two hundred pounds like money as afore said together with my long smoking coat. I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Catharina Walker, daughter of my said son Isaac, one hundred pounds like money to be paid to my said granddaughters as they may severally come of lawful age. I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Sarah Walker, daughter of my said son Isaac, the sum of twenty pounds like and to paid in like manner when she becomes of lawful age. I also will and order that my dwelling houfe (house) and lot wherein I now live with the appurtenances, thereunto belonging to sold by my executors with the two years after my deceafe (decease) and the money arising therefrom to be disposed of for the following manner, that is to say, I give to my two daughters, Margaret and Sarah McKool, fifty pounds each out of the last mentioned property of my said houfe (house) and lot the remainder to be equally divided among my three sons to wit, Ralph, Thomas and Philip and my granddaughter, Elizabeth Walker, daughter of my said son Isaac, and I do further will and order that all the remainder of personal property not heretofore bequeathed shall be sold by my executors and the money arising therefrom to be equally divided among all the legatees heretofore named both children and grandchildren excepting my son Robert and my granddaughter, Sarah, daughter of John Henry, and lastly I do by these presents nominate and appoint my sons Ralph Walker and Thomas Walker and my trusty friend Jonathan Woolverton, Executors of this my Last Will and Testament and I do hereby revoke all former Wills or Executors by me made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto let my hand and seal this thirteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen "1819"... Signature: William Walker Signed, Sealed, published, and declared by the above named William Walker to be his Last Will and Testament in the presents of us who have here unto subscribed our names in his presents and in the presents of each other - - Note: The word "among" between the eleventh and twelfth line from the bottom of the second page is underlined before being signed by: Alexander McNaught Ambrose Gillmore Jonathan Woolverton. |
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